Does anyone have the predefined graal tiles (or a pretty good replica of them) for the new editor? Having to remake them as I go along is slowing me down a lot.
Re: Predefined tiles for the new editor?
Check your objects folder and copy it over, should still be there.
Re: Predefined tiles for the new editor?
I haven't got it. The only one in there is objectsNormal.txt but that's the one i've made myself.
Re: Predefined tiles for the new editor?
Why thankyou!
Btw how do you add npcs to the predefined npcs area?
Re: Predefined tiles for the new editor?
Look in your graal folder you'll eventually find one with some text files with similar names.
Re: Predefined tiles for the new editor?
To add new ones, just make sure to place them in graal\levels
pcs\ and they should show up in the level editor, positioned according to prefix.
Ex. defnpcNPCNAME.txt Will show up under the defined npc's drop box.
and editnpcNPCNAME.txt Will show up under the defined object's drop box.
Re: Predefined tiles for the new editor?
Hey! How do you remove the mushrooms and the little brown dots from editnpcDetail. You can't walk over those tiles and I can't tell shit from Shinola in that file.
if (playerenters || timeout) {
if (strequals(#s(detail),))
// setstring detail,15;
setstring detail,10;
if (mousebuttons%2>=1) {
timeout = 0.05;
function laypath(){
for (i=0;i<64;i++){
for (j=0;j<64;j++){
newtile = int(random(0,100));
if (tiles[i,j] in grasstiles){
if (newtile < strtofloat(#s(detail)))
tiles[i,j] = grasstiles[int(random(0,arraylen(grasstiles)))];
tiles[i,j] = 0x7FF;
updateboard 0,0,64,64;
Re: Predefined tiles for the new editor?
place down a 'brown dot' (I know which one you're talking about) and a mushroom.
Select them both on the level. Then click the icon near the top right/center that looks like a stone cut into four peices. This will give you the hex name for those tiles.
Re: Predefined tiles for the new editor?
You rock. <3
The hex for the mushroom wasn't listed in the editnpcDetail file, but it still appears. o.O I can't tell if a range is specified, either.