Profile statics & display webaddress

I'm having a couple possibly minor issues.

  1. User-input data works fine. However, the statistics on the right do not display (save the current level).

My settings file looks like so:

[code]# Server Options
allowedglobalguilds =
aptime0 = 30
aptime1 = 90
aptime2 = 300
aptime3 = 600
aptime4 = 1200
apsystem = true
baddyrespawntime = 60
bushitems = true
disconnectifnotmoved = false
dontaddserverflags = false
dontchangekills = false
dropitemsdead = true
globalguilds = true
heartlimit = 20
horselifetime = 10
jaillevels = nyght_jail.nw
maps = newmainmap.txt
noexplosions = false
normaladminscanchangegralats = true
playerlisticons = Online,Away,DND,Eating,Hiding,No PMs,RPing,Sparring,PKing
profilevars = Kills:=playerkills,Deaths:=playerdeaths,MaxHP:=playerfullhearts,Rating:=playerrating,Alignment:=playerap,Gralat:=playerrupees,SwordLevel:=playerswordpower
setbodyallowed = true
setheadallowed = true
setshieldallowed = true
setswordallowed = true
shieldlimit = 3
staff = Koroshiya
stafflist = Koroshiya
staffguilds = Server,Manager,Owner,Admin,FAQ,LAT,NAT,GAT,GP,GP Chief,Bugs Admin,NPC Admin,Gani Team,GFX Admin,Events Team,Events Admin,Guild
Adminstaffhead = head25.png
swordlimit = 3
staffonly = false
tilerespawn = 15
unstickmelevel = onlinestartlocal.nw
unstickmex = 30
unstickmey = 30.5
vasesdrop = true
warptoforall = false

Private-Server Options (changestaffacct required)

description = -=Under Construction=-
language = English
listport = 14900
listip =
maxplayers = 300
myip = AUTO
name = NyghtShade
serverport = 14802
sharefolder =
showconsolepackets = true[/code]

  1. I didn't see an option to change the web address displayed in the server list. Do I edit this elsewhere?


Re: Profile statics & display webaddress

Currently not available with revision 51 since it is currently a place holder for an expansion in a future revision.

The plan is to make the player's profile affect all servers, instead of just locally per server.
However, Graal treats the profiles through just 1 packet not 2.

Ergo, somethings gotta give till the second half is implimented to merge them both into 1 Graal compatable Packet.

Re: Profile statics & display webaddress

Eh? I noticed that all the other servers show the players' statistics.
And everyone has different web addresses in the serverlist, below the descriptions.

Or is everyone else using an older revision?

Re: Profile statics & display webaddress

cough Yes. Yes we are. LOL

Clean compiled Revision 50 below.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Re: Profile statics & display webaddress

What was that for?

Thanks for the file, by the way.

Re: Profile statics & display webaddress

Revision 51 is a beta version :f So going with 50 right now is the better choice :wink:

Re: Profile statics & display webaddress

lol. Roger that. 8)

Re: Profile statics & display webaddress

Unless strictly for development, then I'd advise 51 for the ftp. been a bit busy w/ my 2d-engine so i haven't been able to work on the gserver and fix some bugs (though i did fix several already)