Would it be possible to make a triggerhack similar to putnpc2?
Possibly. Testing would need to be done to see if Graal caps the triggeraction string in any way.
It passed 200 characters online with triggeraction 39,37,fish,#c;
Well I mean npcserver sounds like it could be at
a stable state in around a month or so, but you
can use execscript kind of like putnpc2 i think.
The biggest benefit of putnpc2 is that you can use
variables and put it into a loop. Well if you use execscript
and put the npc in a txt like normal putnpc, you can
feed it variables through the execscript parameters.
Unless you want it for a different reason…
indeed i do, i need a way to send a string to an npc on creation. putnpc takes a while to be created, then i would have to send it via triggeraction after the fact…
also execscrips are another form of weapons
you need the npc to request the string, and then get
sent the string upon creation?
or something detects its creation and then sends
the string?
___Merged doublepost__________________
also, what do you mean by another form of weapons?
i haven’t messed with it yet so i’m not exactly sure
what you mean by that…
anything been done on this?
Probably not.
No, I haven’t had any free time to work on it lately.
Nalin, are you still busy, or do you have time to work on this sometime this week?