RC Crashes?

Computer Build: Dell, Vista Basic
I'm pretty sure it's crashing becuase of Vista is really stupid and dosn't have many of the required
files that XP Had that were able to run these programs with no issue, But my RC keeps crashing, I can't even open it.
So, any fixes besides restoring my computer into a XP Crack? ><

Re: RC Crashes?

Mkay. You probably got a bad RC.
Hard to track files when most of our things are torrent based.

I'd post a copy here, but the RC is not our property.

Re: RC Crashes?

No problem ^^ But thanks again Beholder.

Re: RC Crashes?

I thought the newer download links has a working RC? Also to note with Vista, there is one of the RC that ALWAYS crashs which is the older RC editing it doesn't help, you should have a working one in the client you downloaded.

Re: RC Crashes?

I got one =)