My RC since about 1.5 months ago, has been disconnecting me. When I go to change a players attributes / use the FTP built in (Happens in both REV 50 and REV 51 for me and on both of my computers) its says “You have been disconnected!” And it does it even after I reconnect sometimes, even over 8 times I’ve had it do that to me.
Re: RC Disconnect’s me
does the console say anything?
Re: RC Disconnect’s me
Do you mean the RC console? If so, no.
Re: RC Disconnect’s me
The GServer console.
Re: RC Disconnect’s me
I dont know. I could maybe ask Arcain…
Re: RC Disconnect’s me
Rev. 51 or 50?
If 51, are you uploading a file when you get d/ced?
Re: RC Disconnect’s me
Well on Xoria we use REV 50 and it disconnects me from deiting player attributes sometimes. And when I'm on OpenGraal: Era it disconnects me when I'm editing player attributes or uploading a file.