Request:Gscript tutorial

please post a link of the tutorial and stop calling me a noob becuase im not
a noob to the game only a noob to scripting.
i dont post alot either.
and the only reason why i post stuff like era guns becuase i am curious of era's work and i would like to help or create a server.
im 13 and i wanna get my game making career intrack so i can be familiar
with the C++ development of scripting.
also a 10 year old tryed to make a maplestory private server so dont judge people by thier age.

Re: Request:Gscript tutorial

Uh, wtf? gscript is not fucking C++ you dumb fuck and the official graal 'Era' is V2 gscript were using gscript V1 dipshit check it out yourself. Wtf does Maplestory has to do with Graal reborn? Those are way different.

Re: Request:Gscript tutorial

No ones judging you by your age, but you do sound like an idiot.

I guessed you were younger though. I don’t even care how old you are or how much of a “noob” you are, but you’re just not smart enough for this kinda thing. Go learn basic or something, its more your level, and then come back in 5 years.

Re: Request:Gscript tutorial

gscript is the easyest thing ever. If he wants to learn, go for it. Any specific questions and i'll give a shot at answering them. Only problem I see with his posts is lack of capitalization or periods. But he atleast got one down this time. Gscript helps you learn tons about C, especially for a little kid.

Ace or Vandal used to have sweet tuts online, not sure there links tho.
Pretty much all gscript goes along the lines of
do something;
// Everything on the line behind a // is a comment and not executed
// after an if all the stuff behind { and before } is ran if the action in
// the if(ThisAction) happens.

Commands.rtf in your graal folder has all the commands you can use in scripting, and a brief description of them to the right.

There are 2 main types of npcs, Npcs on the level and Npc Weapons in your inventory.
To make an npc it would be like,
if(playerenters){ // the player enters the level
showcharacter; //makes an computer (npc) player
setcharprop #n,Dude; //setcharprop changes what the npc looks like
setcharprop #C0,red; // #C0 is to change skin color, #n is for their name.
if(playertouchsme){ //the player walks into the npc
message I'm a dude; //message will make the npc say whatever comes after.

Or to make a weapon:
toweapons Bomb; // gives the weapon a name in the inventory. (Q button)
// So that will give the player the weapon Bomb when they touch the npc.

if(weaponfired){ // they press D well they have the weapon selected.
putbomb 1,playerx,playery; // puts a bomb at the players position.

// X is the players position width wise counting from the left edge of the map.
// Y is the players position length wise counting from the top edge of the
// map.
// putting playerx means the player's x position will put inserted for you,
// aswell as playery, doing the same thing but for y position.

Re: Request:Gscript tutorial

its so funny becuase ur swearing becuase u think im a idiot didnt i tell you i am
instrested in era i didnt say a fucking thing about C++ being related. now
dont u know i knew about X and Y i learn it in MATH!!! but thanks handonyohip
for refreshing and im trying to do it now at a young age just to be familiar

Re: Request:Gscript tutorial

I was graalscripting since 2000 – I'm 16 now.

2008 - 2000 = 8 years.
16 - 8 = 8 again.

Re: Request:Gscript tutorial

You don't understand my point then. I suggest working on your typing skills because if your going to be coding with what typing skills you have, I smell tons of mistakes or coding errors.

Re: Request:Gscript tutorial

Keyword being “tryed” (you mean tried btw).