[Request] Hat System

I want a hat system. Such as for EX: I want to have a shop but with a limited amount of hats and being able to trade them with people. Hopefully they save when you go into other levels or relog in.

I don’t know if this can be done with an NPC-Server…

Re: [Request] Hat System

In a sense, it can… But bare with me it is a crude bastard compaired to it’s counterpart.


[code]if (playerchats && strequals(#c,buy hat 1)) { //Buy Hat
if (strtofloat(#s(server.hat1)) <= 0) {
say2 #b Out of Stock;
} else {
if(playerrupees >= 200) { // Hat Price
setstring client.hat,1; //What ever system you have for adding hats, put it here
setstring server.hat1,#v(strtofloat(#s(server.hat1)) - 1);
} else {
say2 #bNot enough Money;

if (playerenters || playerchats) { //Hat Quantity, Passive Update
if (strtofloat(#s(server.hat1)) <= 0) message Out of Stock!;
else message #s(server.hat1);

Now for the real bastard. (I am aware of all bugs and glitches possible in both, for the most part they cannot be helped without a proper medium.)


// "/givehat <hatnumber> <targetaccount>"
// "/accepthat <targetaccount>"
// "/cancelhat" <- Only the Owner may Cancel
if (playerchats) {
 tokenize #c;
 //Clears Completed Pendings
 if(!strequals(#s(pendingtradeid),) && strequals(#s(server.#a#s(pendingtradeid)),) setstring pendingtradeid,;

 if (strequals(#t(0),/givehat)) {
  if (strequals(#s(pendingtradeid))) {
   setstring server.#a#t(2),1; //Add Hat to Trade
   setstring client.hat,; //Remove the Hat, Leave it Pending in Trade
   setstring pendingtradeid,#t(2); //Remember the Trade ID
  } else { //Failsafe of trading only one item at a time
   setplayerprop #c,You're already trading to #s(pendingtradeid)! Say "/cancelhat #s(pendingtradeid)" to start a new trade.;
 } else if (strequals(#t(0),/cancelhat)) {
  setstring pendingtradeid,; //Clear Pending Trade
  setstring client.hat,1; //Give back the Hat
  setstring server.#a#t(1),; //Clear Server Trade
  setplayerprop #c,Cancelled Trade with #t(1)!;
 } else if (strequals(#t(0),/accepthat)) {
  if(strequals(#s(server.#t(1)#a),) {
   setplayerprop #c,No Trade Pending from #t(1);
  } else {
   setplayerprop #c,Accepted Hat#s(server.#t(1)#a) from #t(1)!;
   setstring client.hat,#s(server.#t(1)#a); //Give Hat from Trade
   setstring server.#t(1)#a,; //Clear Pending

Note that both of these have not been tested in any manner, like most requests they are made on the spot.

You shouldn’t have given it to him, Beholder.
Dangerless, you make fun of other peoples’ work but cannot even do it yourself? Please die painfully.


Skyzer, sadly Beholder is one of the nicest scripters around, so he couldnt not make it… :frowning: