Re: Request: HUD/Menu
Looks like cake, just remember that with false QMenus, you can't actually pause.
So I'll set up a failsafe that if the player gets hurt, the menu gets exited. A bit annoying if you're on the run in a fight though.
Edit: Actually I'll turn down the QMenu lol, I would recommend learning how to use a setletters image.png; instead
This is because of the decreased functionality of having an edited QMenu, and to regain some of the functionality would require more hours on my part, and your part. A lot more rules would need to be set in place for Weapons and NPCs both in name, type, image, and scripting.
I'm not meaning to be stingy, I'm just saying, you'll want to keep with your old QMenu, but with an edited 'setletters' since this is probably what you're aiming for anyway.
[code]//Nyght HUD + QMenu (Very-Active Mode [0.05 Timeout])
//If you want the scripting to be compressed, just ask.
//I left it in it's repeditive form to be more readable
//and editable to you. - Beholder
if (playerenters || timeout || playerhurt) {
timeout = 0.05;
function DrawGUI_HUD() {
showimg 500,nyght_hud.png,22,15;
changeimgpart 500,0,0,216,50;
showimg 501,#3,31,24;
changeimgpart 501,0,64,32,32;
changeimgzoom 501,1.375;
showimg 502,nyght_hud.png,71,27;
changeimgpart 502,0,50,101 * (playerhearts/playerfullhearts),10;
if(playerhearts == 0) hideimg 502;
showimg 503,nyght_hud.png,71,37;
changeimgpart 503,0,50,101 * (playermp/100),10;
if(playermp == 0) hideimg 503;
showimg 504,#W,181,17;
changeimgpart 504,0,0,32,31;
showimg 505,nyght_hud.png,222,16 + (47 * int(100 - playerap+2)/100);
changeimgpart 505,0,70 + (47 * int(100 - playerap+2)/100),15,(47 * (playerap+2)/100);
if(playerap < 3) hideimg 505;
showtext 506,121,21,Arial,c,#n;
showtext 507,91,50,Arial,#v(playerdarts);
showtext 508,131,50,Arial,#v(playerbombs);
showtext 509,169,50,Arial,#v(playerrupees);
changeimgvis 500 + this.i,4;
if (this.i >= 6) changeimgzoom 500 + this.i,0.6;
[attachment deleted by admin]