Request: HUD/Menu

I was wondering if anyone would take the time to make or submit an existing HUD and menu combo for me to use on my server. Credits and a statue of that player will be added to a hall of honor. I need something clean and commented (if possible) so that I can make necessary edits to the code and graphics.

I'm not terribly picky. So, I'll take whatever you've got. :wink:

Thanks, in advance.

Re: Request: HUD/Menu

Something sort of like Beholder's? If so, you probably want to ask him. (To know what his looks like just log into his server and hit Q)

Re: Request: HUD/Menu

Kinda like that, yeah. Maybe not so complex. I guess in terms of the HUD, you could say something as simple as WoW's. But, in the spirit of Graal, it would show gralats, bombs arrows and the current weapon, as well. And a matching style menu.

Like I said, though, I'll take what I can get. lol.

Re: Request: HUD/Menu

Take a snapshot of your screen in Graal, draw some basic/detailed figures of where your GUI should be, and what shows where.
Then describe any details you want it to be able to do visually, and wether or not the system should be 'active' or passive'

Active in this sence, means the system will stay on a regular loop to draw. It will use more Memory/CPU on a constant basis.
Passive will trigger a redraw when a change or action is created, one flaw can be the GUI will hide entirely when an RC edits your account and sometimes when your health/status changes.

(Sentinel is using an extremely passive method, and these showimg glitches will not be fixed in the client till about 2.18, should we ever get it.)

So yeah, take a snapshop, post it here with some details like what would you like where. And I'll whip you up a basic GUI.
Mind you I won't draw the hell out of it, I'll make a template for you to edit if one is not given.

If anyone wants a simple GUI like this (Ie: shit that'll take me just a few min to make), just go ahead in ask. Just have an idea of what you want.
Looking at my own server's GUI, to be honest I think its small, crappy, and I didn't have a real plan when making it, so I just added attributes together and slopped it into a pile.

Re: Request: HUD/Menu

You rock, dude. This is just a quick mock-up. So, do with it what you will.

The Fung Si Yang head is the player's current head with a small zoom to fit the square. Red bar slides to the left as health is decreased. The blue is mana. The alignment bar slide vertically and the bow is the currently selected weapon.

The image for the menu image is attached, as well.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Re: Request: HUD/Menu

This will probably come out really nice

Re: Request: HUD/Menu

Looks like cake, just remember that with false QMenus, you can't actually pause.

So I'll set up a failsafe that if the player gets hurt, the menu gets exited. A bit annoying if you're on the run in a fight though.

Edit: Actually I'll turn down the QMenu lol, I would recommend learning how to use a setletters image.png; instead
This is because of the decreased functionality of having an edited QMenu, and to regain some of the functionality would require more hours on my part, and your part. A lot more rules would need to be set in place for Weapons and NPCs both in name, type, image, and scripting.

I'm not meaning to be stingy, I'm just saying, you'll want to keep with your old QMenu, but with an edited 'setletters' since this is probably what you're aiming for anyway.

[code]//Nyght HUD + QMenu (Very-Active Mode [0.05 Timeout])
//If you want the scripting to be compressed, just ask.
//I left it in it's repeditive form to be more readable
//and editable to you. - Beholder

if (playerenters || timeout || playerhurt) {
timeout = 0.05;

function DrawGUI_HUD() {
showimg 500,nyght_hud.png,22,15;
changeimgpart 500,0,0,216,50;

showimg 501,#3,31,24;
changeimgpart 501,0,64,32,32;
changeimgzoom 501,1.375;

showimg 502,nyght_hud.png,71,27;
changeimgpart 502,0,50,101 * (playerhearts/playerfullhearts),10;
if(playerhearts == 0) hideimg 502;

showimg 503,nyght_hud.png,71,37;
changeimgpart 503,0,50,101 * (playermp/100),10;
if(playermp == 0) hideimg 503;

showimg 504,#W,181,17;
changeimgpart 504,0,0,32,31;

showimg 505,nyght_hud.png,222,16 + (47 * int(100 - playerap+2)/100);
changeimgpart 505,0,70 + (47 * int(100 - playerap+2)/100),15,(47 * (playerap+2)/100);
if(playerap < 3) hideimg 505;

showtext 506,121,21,Arial,c,#n;
showtext 507,91,50,Arial,#v(playerdarts);
showtext 508,131,50,Arial,#v(playerbombs);
showtext 509,169,50,Arial,#v(playerrupees);

changeimgvis 500 + this.i,4;
if (this.i >= 6) changeimgzoom 500 + this.i,0.6;

[attachment deleted by admin]

Re: Request: HUD/Menu

I feel kinda dumb, but do I just save the letters.png to the global folder in my gserver directory or do I need to script something to tell it what file to look for like you do with tiles?

Re: Request: HUD/Menu

If you're using custom letters, make sure they're named differently from the defaults, or you'll overwrite other people's letters and everyone who's been on your server may be stuck with yours, no matter where they go. Last time I went looking around other servers, my sprites.png got overwritten, lol. Instead, make a script that says “setletters filename;” to use your custom letters. So, just as example, you could place it in your main system script.
setletters taco_letters.png;

If this isn't what you ment, I appologise. I wasn't entirely sure what you were asking.

Re: Request: HUD/Menu

No, you answered it correctly. I ended up popping on Beholder's server and asking him directly. :stuck_out_tongue:

But, the post wasn't wasted. Now, if anyone else wants to know, the answer is now out there.

Thanks. ;D