GServer Build: Revision 50
GServer Modifications: (Greyed out items are now integrated in newer GServers.)[list]
[]Custom RC Head.
[]Item clipping.
[]Proper alignment influence on health.
[]*Account (Guild) names working properly.
[]Commands: ‘setsleeves’ and ‘setshoes’ added to list of cloth commands.
[]Custom body names starting with sen_ (sen_body.png)
[]Saving of PlayerList info to Server.Strings (acc,x,y,level,head)
[]Proper Clearing of setstrings.
[*]Integrating Inside LevelNames to fix the Playerhead’s position on Overworld Maps.
Comment on what you would prefer to see added or changed to the Server: Sentinel, or just discuss on things relating to the Server.
Added two files listing the filenames of all swords and shields uploaded to Sentinel.[/list]
I'd like to see some content added. Maybe a small dungeon with some baddies in… just something for people to play around with all the items for the time being. Its all fine building a shop and the world up, but theres no income yet so thats still a little meaningless to players (though I have to say, it does work very well, my only gripe is, it could do with supporting the Enter key).
Oh, and more features for the weapons…
Like that cave thats sealed up at the bottom of the overworld. Allow people to get inside it (obvious means, bomb ofcourse).
Worn patches on the ground, that when shovelled reveal items (or maybe open up a hole that drop you into the underworld).
Hookshots I know about, hitting stakes to get up cliff faces and stuff.
Boomerang to hit hanging vines or something across a ravine, dragging them back to you allowing you to swing accross.
Lantern to set swampy ground alight (that burns through all adjandecent swampy ground maybe).
NPCs that want you to play them some music? I dunno how that would work.
Oh and I'm going to be fussy and request a change to the bow. Instead of holding it and then changing direction, how about holding it and being locked to that direction, then slowly being able to strafe around? Would make lining up precision shots easier (not that there are any… yet).
Still, thats just a few of my random ideas. I do love it so far, and I think more than anything else I've seen it shows what graal's really capable of (and makes me sick when I look at the official servers, even with the new scripting engine things just aren't anywhere near as good as this). Expanding functionality to make people think outside of the box (as well as allowing you to put in some rather devious hidden areas or quests) would really be showing off.
drums, trumpets, violins, guitars (Acoustic and Electric), Symbols (take your time, add one at a time and rest your brain often)
and hats…gotta have hats >_>
i could add more, but it would take to long to add what I have in mind.
if it was possible it would be neat to be able to craft weapons. and arrow/fireball/fireblast/nuke turrets (sorta like the ball launcher npc's but launches other things in like a strafe)
I got it for Christmas last year. this year…probably nothing due to severe money problems…
I had to cancel my North American Fishing Club membership cause I couldnt afford it anymore…
im also a member of the Handyman Club of America, but thats because the invite was for me but my step-father wanted to join. so I signed up for him in my name. he owes over $230, he hasnt payed a penny towards the dues…
Meh, utility uses are very much zelda, not just TP. Graal itself started with utility uses (being a zelda clone), thats why the hammer, gloves, bombs, etc all got implemented. Its a way of blocking off part of the game world without the typical 'you have to meet this requirement to pass'. With utility items, yes, you have to meet a requirement, but you work it out for yourself. They needn't be used to turn it into linear gameplay or questing, but rather add depth. Hookshot tearing armour away from baddies, using bombs underground having the possibility of causing rocks to come crashing down, new routes opening up providing shotcuts or nice little hidden treasures.
To me, sentinel looks very much a tech demo. Its a stylish approach and adding a little depth to items wouldn't hurt. Still, each to their own, its Beholder's world, his vision. And yes, there is no real income. PKing people to steal their money doesn't count All the money in it so far appears to be created by Beholder (or staff in general) with no in-world means, killing or trading aside, which just recycles the money already in the system.
Added Clairvoyance to the list of weapons.
Currently costs 400g dispite the lack of income.
Scans out in a range of 20 tiles for hidden players, hidden passages, and hidden items and acts like a dousing rod towards them.
For currency you could ask other players for money (or PK them.)
Theres still a fair ammount of money floating around on players for illegitimate reasons. And he reason I do not care so much is because a proper economy requires planning, Economy will come much later in the game once I add more things to buy, and have a renewable source for players to spend their money.
After that, then I can properly make methods to get some currency and proper pricings on goods. (You can expect an item and currency reset when this happens, as well as goods being relocated in different shops, or even in quests.)
the other servers put me off when most of the people who play are un-needed and overpowered staff (on xoria they have like level 20 swords and whatever lol…)
you do it all yourself and dont give yourself uber fast boots and stupid shit like that, most other servers epic phail because the staff dont actually know what its like to be a normal player and how fun it is XD.
Hmm, Well what I would probally say is make it were they could have a weapon rather then a Sword, Like implement your own sword gani for them to start with, Or even make them start with fists in the beggining, This would be more or less ripping the outcome of Old Atlantis though, They started with the normal sword wich still used the setsword function and you could buy other weapons to replace the S button xP
Well, Anyways I would say add Axes, Gloves (punch 'em out!), and more African Spears!
[quote=*Dangerless ]Though I don't care if that 9999g item is a place holder, make it into something…
I replaced it with an active skill, Clairvoyance. It costs 400g, instead of 9999
Once putnpc works the way I would like it to (NPC-Server), I'll impliment and finish up the Movement System I've been holding back on, Having a 'Sword' as an item and being able to Queue weapons to S are intended in the future. When I do have the system up and running with a compatable GServer, I can make gloves that could lift 4x4 'stone blocks' for example. Anything could be possible. Thanks for your input.