SHOOT command

I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong, or this is one of those cases where Graal simply says “LOL NO!” due to lack of NC, but here’s what’s going on:

NPCW's End:

if (weaponfired) { setshootparams 1,embomb; shoot playerx,playery,playerz+3,getangle(vecx(playerdir),vecy(playerdir)),1,1.25,em_attack-bomb,; }

Player/NPC's End:

if (actionprojectile) { if (strequals(#p(1),embomb)) message Someone set us up the bomb!; }

The script works fine against NPCs, no matter how many people are around. But when an NPC fires on players or players fire on each other, only one person seems to respond to actionprojectile.
Others players won't respond. It seems to be the player with the lowest ID. Not just who was there playing with the script first. Because as soon as I arrived, the actionprojectile end stopped responding for my friend, but worked fine for me.

I figure this is an “LOL NO” situation, but I’d rather ask and be sure.

If I don't include setshootparams 1,embomb; and simply say:

if (actionprojectile) { message Someone set us up the bomb!; }

from the player/NPC end, then actionprojectile picks up… just doesn't detect if it was actually hit properly, lol. Like, even if the bomb hits a wall, 50 feet from the player, the player still would say that message.

Re: SHOOT command

The player part has to be clientside, since the detection if a projectile hits the player is clientside. That should most likely fix every problem you have. If it doesnt, please let me know.

Re: SHOOT command

The entire script in this case, from the player’s “if (actionprojectile)” end, is clientsided already. Even though Reborn doesn’t use NPC Servers, I still script as if there is one. Force of habbit =P

Re: SHOOT command

For some reason actionprojectile does not get triggered on the leader (player with lowest id), if two other people come into the level after you (the leader) they can use it fine against each other but nobody can hit you and I don't think you can hit anyone. Maybe this is a client issue and will be fixed when we support a newer version, otherwise I don't know. Same goes for triggeraction. Highly annoying.