since build 55 no pms possible anymore

today I updated from build 54 to 55 and well since that I cant pm anymore…no1 on my server can it seems. when you try from client or rc (doesnt matter) you get the message “You can only send PM’s every 4 seconds”…toalls work though…I put back the old build 54 exe and it works again…any solutions or hints?

thanks in advance


Re: since build 55 no pms possible anymore

Why is there a pm-timer… I originally deleted it forever-ago… <.<.

Re: since build 55 no pms possible anymore

Is build 56 test 3 actually working good? Think atleast me and Solar were having problems.

Re: since build 55 no pms possible anymore

ok thanks I tried 56 test 3 and it ended up with players not being able to see animations of other players…so it looked like people were sliding around…I went back to 54 and everything works smooth for me