Something u might want to add

Hi. I just joined a few days ago. It took me forever to figure out that I had to go to my user control panel to activate a client player account to logon to graal reborn servers. You may want to add to the New Player section of the FAQ, to go to User CP and click add/chang epassword on top of the notice for that. Otherwise Thank you guys very much for what ur doing!!! :redface:

I dunno, man…

“By default, your account for the serverlist is not created. In order to create your serverlist account, you must go into your UserCP and click Add/Change Password in the Manage Graal Account section of the Control Panel.”

It’s at the top of all the pages.

[QUOTE=tavengen;6191]Hi. I just joined a few days ago. It took me forever to figure out that I had to go to my user control panel to activate a client player account to logon to graal reborn servers. You may want to add to the New Player section of the FAQ, to go to User CP and click add/chang epassword on top of the notice for that. Otherwise Thank you guys very much for what ur doing!!! :redface:[/QUOTE]

I agree :smiley: A nice new user section would help. Not just for the client account thing.

Read the FAQ, its pretty helpful.

[QUOTE=SeraphX;6306]Read the FAQ, its pretty helpful.[/QUOTE]

What he meant was like.

“Q: How do I create a Playable Graal Reborn Account?”
“A: All you do is sign up for the forums. Go into your User CP. Click Add/Change Password under the Manage Graal Account section. Set your password and click Save changes. Then you are all set! You can now play on the Graal Reborn Client with your Forum ID and the password you set! :D”

What I meant was an even more in-depth FAQ. (Don’t comment on this sentence. I know Cadavre made a pretty good in-depth faq, but it can go further. :D)

Then make one.

[QUOTE=Cadavre;6320]Then make one.[/QUOTE]

Heh . . :smiley: No comment. I’ll get it off my thing and load it as a text document or post it, if you want it.

My bad, one comment … . :smiley:

It says how at the top of the page! O.o

[QUOTE=Spooon;6345]It says how at the top of the page! O.o[/QUOTE]

Not everyone reads that Notice. Some people skip over it.
Also, he/she could have created his/her account, then just tried logging on without getting into the forum. :smiley:


Don’t think about what you see and do. Not everyone acts or does what you do. :slight_smile:

How could you not look at the word “Notices”!?

[QUOTE=Spooon;6351]How could you not look at the word “Notices”!?[/QUOTE]
I think you answered your own question . . though if you didn’t see it.

[QUOTE=Spooon;6351]not look at the word “Notices”[/QUOTE]
Enjoy Spoon, I personally don’t look at it.

That’s because you’re a retard.

[QUOTE=Spooon;6359]That’s because you’re a retard.[/QUOTE]

Sad, okay, you resort to name calling. :smiley: I am done talking to you :smiley:

;-; so mean to me

The system we have today is very easy. You go to the site -> You can’t seem to find where to register -> You realize that there’s a forum -> You register at the forum -> You realize that it doesn’t work to connect to listserver -> You go back to the forum -> You see the big notice that takes half of the screen (or not, if you’re a retard) -> you either ask in yet another thread of how to play Graal Reborn or you do as the notice said -> Cadavre gets pissed since everyone is retarded -> Cadavre points out that you’re a retard and points to the notice

i was with you till you said system… lol.

To Negitar:

[QUOTE=Negitar;6380]i was with you till you said system… lol.[/QUOTE]
So you were with him till he said System, I’ll help you out Negitar :smiley:

The the the the the the the the. The the the the the → The the the the the the the the → The the the the the the → The the the the the → The the the the the the the the the the → The the the the the the → The the the the the the the the the the the (the the, the the the the) → the the the the the the the the the the the The The the the the the the the the → The the the the the the the → The the the the the the the the the the the the

PS: It takes barely any of my screen Cadavre. I am using a 27in. HDTV. Think about every possibility. My resolution is huge 0.0.
Likes to use the word retard :smiley:
I’m done with this thread now. Have fun :smiley:

lol, hehehe. :slight_smile:


PS: It takes barely any of my screen Cadavre. I am using a 27in. HDTV. Think about every possibility. My resolution is huge 0.0.
Likes to use the word retard :smiley:
I’m done with this thread now. Have fun :smiley:

i use a 24’ monitor… 1920x1200… i don’t even think i’d be able to use a computer if i hooked it up to my tv (though it is possible since my tv does have the ability :P)

but yeah… 1/2 the screen i think not… its more like a 16th of the screen

Hmm, it might be nice to modify the client to give it account making capabilities :slight_smile:

What client version does everyone use these days anyway?