Spiderweb Software

SpiderWeb Software Games

they got several RPG games, none online though. massive worlds.

in the Avernum series, you guide a group of 4 adventurers through a bunch of different quests, mostly takes place in the world of Avernum, a series of underground caves where the Empire banishes those it deems unwanted, undesirable, criminal.

this is the description of the first avernum game

"You have been banished to the underworld, never to see the light of day again.

You have been cast down into the dark, volcanic pits of Avernum, filled with foul monsters, constant warfare, and thousands and thousands of your fellow prisoners. This is your punishment for not fitting in, for speaking out against the powers that be, for being an inconvenience to the government of the cruel Emperor Hawthorne. You have been sentenced to life imprisonment in the caverns, eventually to die there, forgotten and unmourned.

But you need not accept your fate. There are those who wish to struggle against this injustice, who wish to return to the surface world and to fight against tyranny. But first, they need a hero, they need inspiration, and, most of all, they need someone who can find an escape route. Can you help them?

Will you be the first person to escape from Avernum?"

the Blades of Avernum game is more interesting, it has an editor where you can create your own worlds to share with others.

geneforge is different, you are a Shaper Apprentice,

description of first geneforge game

"Geneforge is our newest fantasy role-playing game with a science fiction twist. In Geneforge, you are free to choose what your overall goal is, and you can seek after it with your own horde of deadly, mutant monsters.

You are a Shaper, a member of the most powerful and secretive of the magical guilds. You have the power to create life and mold it to serve your own needs. For millennia, your world feared and respected the Shapers above all others. Their creations could go everywhere, do anything, all according to the wishes of the Shapers and no others.

If you need a servant, you simply create it, and it will gladly die for you.

But now the secrets of your people are at risk. Someone dares to try to steal the power of the Shapers and take it for his own. He has committed the ultimate crime: he has captured you, and he will do anything to get you to surrender your secrets.

Fight with DraykHe would use the power of the Shapers to remake the world. The question is a simple one. Will you fight him? Or join him?"

all shareware but cheap. demo mode is fully functional “character editor unavailable in demo mode though” you can play and progress up untill you meet up with the “Shareware Demon”

since I cant see paying $25 for a simple game, and they have sold a shitload already, I get a keygen. since the demo’s are accually the entire game, but the last 95% is locked untill registered.

What a coincidence because I’m been playing Blades of Exile (it’s free now if you go to the OBoE page) There’s a TON of scenarios but if you can’t decide which to start play At the Gallows

Finally one of dontars post that dont phail. Thanks for the site.

I swear I am going to hunt you down and kill you and your entire family…

HA…yeah…entire family…hunt…down…whatever.