Staff Hud-Fixed

It only disable seeing other’s nicknames. I’ve just tried.
Tric’s way seems best.

But setnick through setplayerprops #c,setnick ; doesnt seem to work…

Btw tricxta, your code is tight but maybe too much… uncommented code is hell, lol.

Use the bitflag like spooon suggested. Dont use that altcode hackish shit.

his script is fine l2read nub


enablefeatures disables features clientside not serverside, even if you can’t see your nickname because you’ve disabled the display, others will if you haven’t disabled theirs. Of course, if you want to disable nicknames all together go for it? haha

alt+255 Creates [*]<---- Its in the box. I swear.

EDIT: The fourms changed it into an asterisk.


i dont see it in my weapons, assist me?

You’re not supposed to see it in your weapons. It’s not a weapon you fire, it’s a weapon that works by itself. You should see the HUD. Do you see it?

nope, how do i open the HUD?

Did you download the image and added it to your server files?

Yes i did

Did you name it

Oh…nope one second

Still dont see it i fixed all of it

edit: i see it but its bugged

edit 2: fixed all issues, thanks for helping!