Staff Invincibility

Name: Invincibility
Type: Staff Tool
Author: John Doe
Description: Maxes out arrows, bombs, health, magic and keeps them at cap.
Notes: Say on duty/off duty to toggle the tool.

if (playertouchsme) { timeout=.05; toweapons Staff/Invincibility; } if (playerenters||timeout||isweapon||playerchats) { timeout=.05; } if (isweapon) { if (timeout) { if (onduty) { if (! weaponsenabled) { enableweapons; } if (playerhearts<playerfullhearts) { playerhearts=playerfullhearts; } if (playerdarts<99) { playerdarts=99; } if (playerbombs<99) { playerbombs=99; } if (playermp<100) { playermp=100; } } } if (playerchats) { if (! onduty) { if (strequals(#c,on duty)) { set onduty; setplayerprop #c,You are now on duty!; } if (strequals(#c,off duty)) { setplayerprop #c,You are already off duty!; } } if (onduty) { if (strequals(#c,on duty)) { setplayerprop #c,You are already on duty; } if (strequals(#c,off duty)) { unset onduty; setplayerprop #c,You are now off duty!; } } } }

Re: Staff Invincibility

lol not quite sure where the invincibility part comes in, but nice.

if (onduty) { hideplayer 999;

Re: Staff Invincibility

The player using this has infinite health and mana.

Re: Staff Invincibility

oooh right sexy. K in that case your missing,

if(enema){ setplayerprop #c,My ASS!; playerhearts=0; }

Re: Staff Invincibility

lol. Oh, baby. One of the nicer things about this NPC is that it runs on a flag. That way, it can be constant with the need to reactivate it every level change or reconnect.