Staff Invisibility

Name: Invisibility
Type: Staff Tool
Author: John Doe
Description: Hasn't been tested online. Makes player invisible to everyone.

if (playertouchsme) { toweapons Staff/Invisibility; } if (weaponfired) { if (cloakingon) { hideplayer 0; setani idle,; unset cloakingon; } else if (! cloakingon) { set cloakingon; hideplayer .05; timeout = .05; } } if (timeout) { if (cloakingon) { hideplayer .05; playersprite=37; putleaps 1, playerx+.5,playery+.5; timeout=.05; }}

Re: Staff Invisibility

Quick note: Hideplayer does not currently work online. :frowning:

Re: Staff Invisibility

I found that out a week ago. lol. Some friends and I were trying to mess with people… But, uhh… Epic fail.

Re: Staff Invisibility

Hideplayer never worked online (well, not any time after the npc-server was created…), it's a purely local command.

Re: Staff Invisibility

Is there any other way to make it work? Or, would I have to make it a gani?

Re: Staff Invisibility

lol well why bother if u can make a gani in 2 seconds, you don't even have to put anything in it.

Re: Staff Invisibility

I've been having some particular failure with GANI's, lately. For some reason, the script can't find them. It's written how it should be, but I dunno. lol.

Re: Staff Invisibility

File management, maybe? idk.

Re: Staff Invisibility

Naturally, the GANI in the folder with all the others. I've been doing offline tests, suppose I should have stated that. But, that's shouldn't matter, should it?

Re: Staff Invisibility

does the offline test work? and which way are you settings it? setani ganiname,; replaceani etc.

Re: Staff Invisibility

Clientside 'Hideplayer seconds;'
But the hiding of the player does not transfer to other players online yet.
Something about PlayerProp Packet 2, and the number 26 to hide, and then the number 24 to unhide.

Re: Staff Invisibility

setani invis,;

i think.

Re: Staff Invisibility

Still have the issue with the player's nickname :stuck_out_tongue:

Re: Staff Invisibility

Easy, unless we cant set nicknames. Use the ALT+0160 trick, which if you cant do, find it in the character map under Western CODE and whatever default font graal uses. Then have it store the old nick to a flag and set it back when ur done.

Re: Staff Invisibility

was messing with it today to see if i can get it, the server DOES send the hideplayer to the client – client doesn't support it on anyone besides themselves.