Anyone know how to make a full on stat system with Strength(+attack power) Agility(+running speed) and Intelect(+magic dammage and mp regen).
also Health Points that range form 15 to 3000, i got an EXP system that i can link into the stats to get them increasing, i have just had little to no progress in trying to come up with a stat system for my use… anyone think they can help come up with this??
i have got some ideas for how the stat link into graal to work with the sword lvls, and also how the stats increase. i just need help getting one working.
That looks like fun. if I remember correctly I always had trouble with variable speeds, with onwall anyway. Don’t remember if I ever fixed it. long time ago.
Complete player rewrite, or just use standard player with some tweaks?
use standard with tweaks, mainly… the only thing that will be replaced fully is the hearts, im hoping for Health Point.
also speed editing is not as much a problem for me as the rest of the system, i got some boots that runn fast with out going over walls, and i got a copy of them old wings form enigma.
if i can just get my hands on a stat system that works then i hope to get it worked in to my playerworld. i can think of tonnes of ways to fitt them, just no way to make them.
yea, but i already have a way of editing speed, and i can easily play with onwall() all day.
I just have to work out away of getting health points to work, then i can move on to working out attack power with the different lvl swords on top.
i was thinking 100 lvls MAX, you pick Int, Agi or Str when you lvl up, (so you can get a max of 100 point in one stat or even them out over them all).
lets run an example at lvl 100:
all lvl 100s have 3000 HP
20 Int, 30 Agi, 50 Str and lvl 3 Sword.
this player can hit hard and has good speed but poor magic power.
each hit would do 50 dammage X sword lvl, so 150. that would be 20 hits to take out another lvl 100.
20 Int, 50 Agi, 30 Str and lvl 3 Sword.
this player can run fast, so even if his attack power is down and would need 34 hits to take out another lvl 100, he could run around quicker and if his HP did drop he could get away easily.
50 Int, 20 Agi, 30 Str and lvl 3 Sword.
this guy cant run or hit hard, but his magic will make up for that, the damage and regen of MP, some magic would have movement involved as well as attacks it kind of combines Str and Agi only weaker (just so it balances out). And you would need to find some of the spells from magic teachers.
Just some idea of where i want to be going with this.
Yea, so no one will hit the Max Lvl. and that was just for an expample, also how do you know how long it could take. i can edit the amount of exp needed for each lvl easy… but yes a VERY long time would be best.
[QUOTE=Spooon;6475]This is a smaller online game and 100 lvls takes an absurd ammount of time.[/QUOTE]
Hmph. come to think of it, Spooon didn’t you build a system like this with baddies or something and overall failed with the lack of serverside (NPC-System) system?
[QUOTE=Dangerless;6568]Hmph. come to think of it, Spooon didn’t you build a system like this with baddies or something and overall failed with the lack of serverside (NPC-System) system?[/QUOTE]