Would it be possible to make a summoner sys weapon that would make the command summonall work? I've tried, and failed.
Re: Summoner
You dont need such a command. Its just plain stupid, ugly, annoying and it sucks ass, just some random, gay toy.
Re: Summoner
Uhm … thanks? Anything useful anyone? It's not just that I want to be able to summon everyone, I want to learn how these types of widespread commands can be used / created.
Re: Summoner
Easyest way is make a server string, then make it like yes or no. For off and on. Then give every play a hiden sys npc that says
Admin weapon should be like this.
setstring server.warpall,yes;
setstring server.warpalllevel,#L;
timeout = 1;
if (timeout){
setstring server.warpall,no;
All Players should have this.
if(strequals(#s(server.warpall),yes){ setlevel #s(server.warpalllevel); }
Re: Summoner
Whoa, angry mod! XD
RC should've made it so you could select multiple people and warp them all.
Re: Summoner
I'm just tired of all this bullshit. I mean, cmon.
Re: Summoner
lol maybe not the smartest thing getting snake an even more powerful warp… But he seemed to be using it to start events last time I was there, so it would probably be a bit handy.
Re: Summoner
Summon multiple accounts with this Summon script I wrote
In the chat box type:
summon [account1] [account2] [account3]
Without the square brackets
summon Agret 39ster Beholder
Change the “&&strequals(#g,Owner)” at the top of the script to whatever Guild you want to be allowed to use this.
setstring server.summon,#L #v(playerx) #v(playery);
setstring server.summoned,#e(7,-1,#c);
setplayerprop #c,Summoning Users [ #e(7,-1,#c) ];
setstring this.unsummon,1;
timeout=1; // Players love getting summoned
if(this.unsummon==11){ // 10 Seconds
unset this.unsummon;
setstring server.summon,;
setstring server.summoned,;
setplayerprop #c,[Summon Completed];
tokenize #s(server.summoned);
setplayerprop #c,[Summoned];
setstring client.summon,#s(server.summon);
tokenize #s(server.summon);
setlevel2 #t(0),strtofloat(#t(1)),strtofloat(#t(2));
Re: Summoner
Thanks This is very helpful if I am allowed to apply it. Do you know how to make that summon everyone?