Hey whats up this is Sublime I am an ex graal developer I make pimp graphics and levels ganis too I can make custom tilesets and custom pets/baddies/hats
hit me up if you need something
Cool, post some of your work - I want to see
I made the tiles and recolored the bodies found in these screens of relic
very nice, i didnt kno u made relics gfx
Yeah I used to go by another name I did allot of work on era before it went to complete shit then delph drak and dell left. I made the ap-ripper pistol on zone gfx first pistol on the server when dell first got the server and before the angel whore stole it and gave it to stefan and globally banned dells account I worked on bravo for a little bit when they were doing the modern thing and I worked on frolic along ass time ago and I had another project called metropolis that didn’t go too far.
Welcome to Graal Reborn. hope to see some of your work.
for sure dunno where im going to start though I think I’ll make a tileset that any of you guys can use on your servers like an alternative to the one yall are using now classic inspired but way updated.
thats not too bad of an idea, it would be much appreciated…
Tiles look good but they are awfully small, is it that a resized screenshot or is that the actual size you are making them?
did you click to enlarge XD ? they are 16X16 the standard Graal size I’ll post a screen shot later once I get cliffs and big trees for now here is an update.
The attachment is my version of the smaller trees on pics1.png
sup sub