ive played on one of the private servers and one of them had a function in which if you press D (i think) the sword stays out so its like hes holding it. How do i do that?
Re: sword in and out
I seriously recommend sticking to things your level for things to start with.
You can’t make a good server by slapping together things you don’t even know how they work.
Swim a bit in the shallow end first [long] before you decide to go pearl diving.
This may offend you as it is not what you want; But in consideration of everyone, including you, I more than suggest you experiment with everything already available to you.
Great servers were built long before the fancy things came out.
Re: sword in and out
exellent point
Re: sword in and out
Just beware that sword damage is also local, meaning the player (target) has to see their attacker with what they interpret as what is the ‘sword animation’.
If one attacks with sword3.gani and the victim expects a sword2.gani, then the victim will not get hurt.
Re: sword in and out
This thread reminded me of Morduk. I cry now.