Taylor Script?

anyone can give it to me?

Re: Taylor Script?

// NPC Made By Nyght
if (created) {
setgif clotheshelper_icon.png;
if (playertouchsme) {
toweapons Tailor;
if (playerchats && startswith(skin,#c)) {
tokenize #c;
setplayerprop #C0,#t(1);
if (playerchats && startswith(coat,#c)) {
tokenize #c;
setplayerprop #C1,#t(1);
if (playerchats && startswith(sleeves,#c)) {
tokenize #c;
setplayerprop #C2,#t(1);
if (playerchats && startswith(shoes,#c)) {
tokenize #c;
setplayerprop #C3,#t(1);
if (playerchats && startswith(belt,#c)) {
tokenize #c;
setplayerprop #C4,#t(1);
if (playerchats && startswith(setsword,#c)) {
tokenize #c;
setplayerprop #1,#(1);
if (playerchats && startswith(setshield,#c)) {
tokenize #c;
setplayerprop #2,#(1);
if (playerchats && startswith(sethead,#c)) {
tokenize #c;
setplayerprop #3,#(1);
if (playerchats && startswith(setbody,#c)) {
tokenize #c;
setplayerprop #4,#t(1);
if (playersays(save clothes)) {
setstring client.saveclothes,#C0 #C1 #C2 #C3 #C4 #1 #2 #3 #4;
if (playersays(apply clothes)) {
tokenize #s(client.saveclothes);
setplayerprop #C0,#t(0);
setplayerprop #C1,#t(1);
setplayerprop #C2,#t(2);
setplayerprop #C3,#t(3);
setplayerprop #C4,#t(4);
setplayerprop #1,#t(5);
setplayerprop #2,#t(6);
setplayerprop #3,#t(7);
setplayerprop #4,#t(8);

/////////////////// Or without tokens ///

if (playerchats) {
if (strequals(#e(0,6,#c),skin: )) setplayerprop #C0,#e(6,-1,#c);
if (strequals(#e(0,6,#c),coat: )) setplayerprop #C1,#e(6,-1,#c);
if (strequals(#e(0,9,#c),sleeves: )) setplayerprop #C2,#e(9,-1,#c);
if (strequals(#e(0,7,#c),shoes: )) setplayerprop #C3,#e(7,-1,#c);
if (strequals(#e(0,6,#c),belt: )) setplayerprop #C4,#e(6,-1,#c);


Re: Taylor Script?

How about the subtle fact its built into the GServer O_o

Re: Taylor Script?

True, but either way it's still useful to look at when learning chat oriented commands.

Re: Taylor Script?

Useful when the gserver breaks it. (I'm talking about rev51beta n00b.) :stuck_out_tongue:

Re: Taylor Script?

So this script is built. So why when i type sethead and then a head i put in:Desktop\Graal 2.17\levels/heads it doesn't show up?

Re: Taylor Script?

Is that head properly formatted? It needs to be a transparent gif, png or mng with no more than 256 colors.

Also, ensure you're saying the command properly. (i.e. sethead head748.png )

Re: Taylor Script?

I think it meets all of that, but some of my heads aren't trans how would i make them that?

Re: Taylor Script?

What editor do you use?

Re: Taylor Script?

i use the 2.17 one i got from one of these from that post.


Re: Taylor Script?

I meant for your graphics. Paint, Paintshop Pro, Photoshop, etc…

Re: Taylor Script?

oh i don't edit graphics and such i just found them where i download server files. They were already made in a image pack.

Re: Taylor Script?

Post the head you're having trouble with and I'll double check it for you.

Re: Taylor Script?

all of them

Re: Taylor Script?

For offline mode, just make sure you paste this script into a level and then save the heads to the same folder as the level. So if the level is in graal\levels try puttin the head in there also, instead of in the subdirectory \heads (tho that should work most times also).

Then, as Kiro said type “sethead headname.png”, if at this point the head shows up with blocks around the edges, it’s not transparent and you’ll have to reopen it in a graphics program and delete the bg color/resave.

Re: Taylor Script?

Wow… I feel stupid. I totally overlooked that…