for anyone who needs this, i found it somewhere in my old CD
it could be of use if you go make your own tiles
Thank you I was getting tired of repainting the one with shit all over it
Been looking for one of these
A shame not all tiles work as intended, such as animated and hurting underground, but I do prefer the organization of New World tilesets over Old World
[QUOTE=SolarT;14672]A shame not all tiles work as intended, such as animated and hurting underground, but I do prefer the organization of New World tilesets over Old World[/QUOTE]
Only problem with the organization of the new world tileset is that overall you end up with less space because most of it is wasted on tiles hardly used. Also, there is way too much space reserved for non-blocking, which in my opinion is used at a much lower rate than blocking.
I’m gonna try to define my own tileset one day with arrays
That would be neat to see.
While I don’t like the orginization of the Classic tileset compared to New World. The Classic Tileset has more tiles (4095).
Here’s a slightly updated template, since the other one was a little off.
For those interested in making thier own tilesets and intend to use NW style over Old style, here’s some notes you should know that I’ve learned from personal experience.
- There are no push/pull tiles, nor Chest tiles (though who really cares about those anyway? lol).
- Animated - The first columb will animate… that’s it. The rest of the animation section doesn’t work.
- Hurting Ground - DOES NOT HURT.
- Jump Over - Most of these tiles work, just not the first 64x32 section…
- Swamp Tiles - Cannot attack them to cut them down.
- Bush Items - Most will respond to explosions, but CANNOT be picked up and/or thrown. Also, the first 32x32 block acts like swamp tiles instead of bushes. This ‘swamp tile’ can be exploded, but not attacked with a sword. 64 pixels in, the 32x32 block DOES respond to all attacks like it should, but instead of placing the proper non-blocking tiles to walk over (like when you normally attack a bush), it’s replaced with an unknown group of blocking tiles.
All these problems CAN be worked around with some minor scripting, so aren’t huge problems. Just annoyances. Also, the tileset can be made longer, if you need to extend the blocking and/or non-blocking sections at the end.
Be warned, Gserver doesn’t have a clue which tileset type you’re using, meaning tiles will not respawn in the manner you would like them too in online mode.
[QUOTE=Beholder;15528]Be warned, Gserver doesn’t have a clue which tileset type you’re using, meaning tiles will not respawn in the manner you would like them too in online mode.[/QUOTE]
Which would explain issues when swapping from a NW tileset to an OW one, where the wrong tiles show up all around you
[QUOTE=SolarT;15535]Which would explain issues when swapping from a NW tileset to an OW one, where the wrong tiles show up all around you[/QUOTE]
Nah, that would be the client. Using addtiledef remedies this, removetiledefs; to help clear out the old garbage.
[QUOTE=Beholder;15536]Nah, that would be the client. Using addtiledef remedies this, removetiledefs; to help clear out the old garbage.[/QUOTE]
The best remedy would simply not keep switching back and forth between styles, but since I’m too lazy to do it one way or another, I’ll use your info instead =P
There is some manner for the GServer to know the “general” tileset type being used. However I think its a binary setting in the serveroptions.
- Animated - The first columb will animate… that’s it. The rest of the animation section doesn’t work.
- Hurting Ground - DOES NOT HURT.
lol both seem ironic, or badly named. You can only have 2 animated tiles I guess.
The template seems like a big tease.
lol both seem ironic, or badly named. You can only have 2 animated tiles I guess.
The template seems like a big tease.
As useless as many of the broken/incomplete functions to NW tilesets are, it still bothers me. Call it a developer’s peeve or OCD, but broken/incomplete things really annoy me. It’s why part of me wants to strangle someone each time I pass an abandoned/incomplete area on Warcraft XD
Well the NW tilesets were originally intended for the NewWorld project. lol
However with the NW tileset, you’re missing an entire column of tiles. It may be more organized, but you lose out on a lot of tiles, I think there’s even less “non-blocking” tiles too.
Exactly my problem with it. It ends up with less space than needed(I can’t even convert the grass area of pics1 to it) to make up for a bunch of space mainly never used.
I mostly only use NW style for regions where I’m doing heavy tile work, yet the region doesn’t require a large ammount of tiles, so my only peeves thusfar have been the ones that don’t work right.
Under normal circumstances, I just alter the pics1, either through overlapping new sections over useless sections, or a complete new image if there’s a lot of tile work. I find it easier for more complex areas since most options I want are there already, they just need a new image to replace and what’s not there, I can make. Like I did with Empyria on Valikorlia. My tiles weren’t great, but they were really flexible since I took pics1 and just kept adding more and more and more and more anytime there was an option I wanted and didn’t have XD
These are all reasons on why I use multiple versions of my tileset for different places. (deserts, snow, caves, and such)
Remind me to build tile handling in a more generic way if I ever get off my ass and build the game that I’ve been telling myself I’ll work on ‘soon’ since I first displayed “Hello World”.(stick the tile type in an extra layer, anyone? Pretty sure png allows arbitrary layers, not just RGBA… not all editors do though >_>)