Tileset update

Here are the latest additions to the tile set.

I am also looking for someone with basic development skills to help test tiles in the level editor.

I need someone with good LAT skills but is also decent in GANIS and can do a little of everything NPCs and Graphic know how are a plus.

Very nice looking. Overall, I find myself decent at Levels, Scripts and Graphics, but sadly, I’m not that good at graphics, thus why even my own server’s custom tilesets have that “default graal” feel to them, lol.

give me a tileset, and I can make good looking levels…im just below average on scripting and very bad at graphics…

Well the graphics is a plus because I plan on making so many tiles they won’t fit on one set. I am already at 117 colors and I haven’t done much except for out door mostly terrain I am just now starting on some water tiles but they are a pain in the ass and next is cliffs. Anyway when I get to 255 colors I am going to have to break them into smaller tile-sets.

It’s not a big deal however and if you would like to help that would kick ass. The only thing is these tiles are part of a donation to help get rebirth to stop using default fugly graphics so bear in mind you can use them on your server but so can anyone else excluding any graal online playerworlds or global staff or stefan or unixmad or anyone affiliated with them.

If you don’t mind that small matter than feel free to try them out and give me lots of input about missing tiles, errors, inprovements, suggestions ect. =)

Just a Suggestion. I noticed you named the tileset pics1.png. I recommend renaming the version you use with your server, so it doesn’t overwrite graal’s default pics1.png and cause all servers to show your tiles =P

yeah feel free to change the name just give me credit I am lazy so I just had it save over one of my pics1 there is a script to change tile-sets but I forgot it. Also I forgot to note than none of the tiles are in the right place it needs to be re-arranged.

addtiledef image,level(s),type;
Types: 0 - Oldworld (default) 1 - New world (more organized tile type layout)


addtiledef2 image,level(s),xstart,ystart;

I guess for using different tileset files, do what the one door scripts do, place “parts” of the tileset…unless thats only for the old style tileset format

if (created) {
setgifpart pics1.png,1872,432,32,32;
if (playertouchsme) {hide;sleep 0.5;show}

thats what I use for different doors >_> that one there shows the Snow House door thingy.

10:30pm and I am very tired…

I love setimgpart (setgifpart), since I tend to make sprite sheets, not individual graphics. Plus, like you’ve done there, I use it for doors too. The best way to keep a server organized, is to have 1 graphic sheet over 50+ seperate images =P

Just a side note. ‘created’ is still broken as far as I know for Graal Reborn, so I tend to use if (created || playerenters)

If you don’t mind that small matter than feel free to try them out and give me lots of input about missing tiles, errors, inprovements, suggestions ect. =)
Well, for starters. What I can see you’re not using the standard for what’s what on a tilesheet. Especially not for default-tileset. I’m not a graphics guy but I can see that this isn’t right. Someone might point out what’s wrong more in detail.

Do you mean the placement of the tiles is wrong or I am missing allot of standard tiles ??

[QUOTE=Sublime;7286]Do you mean the placement of the tiles is wrong or I am missing allot of standard tiles ??[/QUOTE]

Basically placement.

I guess for using different tileset files, do what the one door scripts do, place “parts” of the tileset…unless thats only for the old style tileset format

if (created) {
setgifpart pics1.png,1872,432,32,32;
if (playertouchsme) {hide;sleep 0.5;show}

thats what I use for different doors >_> that one there shows the Snow House door thingy.

10:30pm and I am very tired…

Isn’t, if (created) broken? >_>

works for me for some reason.that one up there is on swcity2.zinijh and works perfectly, though I need to upload the updated version making the door npc shorter.

If created does work!
For only one player.
The moment the level is loaded from scratch.

Other than that, yeah, it be fucked up real good :smiley:

[QUOTE=Cadavre;7287]Basically placement.[/QUOTE]

Who made those? Those look really good. That’s more to my liking. xD

[QUOTE=RileyFiery;7293]Who made those? Those look really good. That’s more to my liking. xD[/QUOTE]

That was supposed to be for this http://www.lunaonline.net/ game that is never going to be finished. Made by Tsuyoshi Hironobu, Canadian/Japanese kid

The outdoor tiles are borrowed from other tilesets and has been recolored. I am aware of that, but we needed some outdoor tiles quickly so we could test it out. All indoor levels are made from scratch. You can use it all you like (if you figure out how to use them, it’s more than 256 colors), borrow tiles from it to your tileset too if you’d like.

That was supposed to be for this http://www.lunaonline.net/ game that is never going to be finished. Made by Tsuyoshi Hironobu, Canadian/Japanese kid

The outdoor tiles are borrowed from other tilesets and has been recolored. I am aware of that, but we needed some outdoor tiles quickly so we could test it out. All indoor levels are made from scratch. You can use it all you like (if you figure out how to use them, it’s more than 256 colors), borrow tiles from it to your tileset too if you’d like.

lol I don’t want to take it, I just like the style. We need more style like that. . . though if the guy just took it from other things and recolored it. :frowning:

Other than that they look good. lol

lol I don’t want to take it, I just like the style. We need more style like that. . . though if the guy just took it from other things and recolored it. :frowning:

Other than that they look good. lol

Someone (you or sublime) may finish the tileset and we’ll put the tileset up as sharing, free to use tileset. The only things need to be remade is the trees and some other outdoor stuff.

[QUOTE=Cadavre;7299]Someone (you or sublime) may finish the tileset and we’ll put the tileset up as sharing, free to use tileset. The only things need to be remade is the trees and some other outdoor stuff.[/QUOTE]
The big huge tree is perfect :smiley:
Has that nice cartoon feel to it . . . something lol