Can anyone send me a link to d/l the cd? the graal pirate web site has no seeds and i been trying to d/l it for the past week.
lol, CD? there is no CD, just a file with the cracked client, but wait, i’ll give you a d’l link per PN
I believe he might be referring to Agret’s Ultimate graal DVD? I dont know if anyone is still seeding that anymore. I could seed if you want.
yea that would be great XD
lol spam prevents me from posting links ill pm you a http link to the archive
I’ve been looking for these files as well. Is there any chance you could do the same for me, Erabilly?
maybe you’ll be lucky lol
I have archives of all sorts of weird old graal stuff including 2.1.7 and 1.3.9 clients and servers on multiple CDs and computers, so soon I will have a server hosting this stuff, at least until it gets ddosed attacked and threatened into oblivion… which I will try to reduce that likely hood by also hosting torrents and keeping it to secret and trusted people…
Woot, thanks Joey. Im downloading it now and its going really fast. 265kB/s
I shall seed now, if you want any parts on rapidshare let me know.
What is this ultimate dvd? I’m trying to download
Has tons and tons of Graal Stuff on it.