Not sure what causes it, but there is a frequent bug on multible servers where using certain weapons disconnects the player.
Sometimes just specific people encounter the problem and other times every user.
Ex. Bee keeper net on Waffles 2.0
Not sure what causes it, but there is a frequent bug on multible servers where using certain weapons disconnects the player.
Sometimes just specific people encounter the problem and other times every user.
Ex. Bee keeper net on Waffles 2.0
Re: Weapon use = Disconnect
O_o Sounds rather, random.
Re: Weapon use = Disconnect
Just noticed Dragonbonex gettin it when he was on my server last night. When he used 2 of my npc's, both of the weps pretty much just change a string variable. I have 3 test accounts that I try stuff on and I wasn't able to replicate it.
Looking at the Waffles bee script might help.
Re: Weapon use = Disconnect
I see your problem.
for (this.hitY=playery;this.hitY>playery-2;this.hitY-=0.25) {
for (this.hitX=playerx;this.hitX<playerx+3;this.hitX+=0.25) {
triggeraction this.hitX,this.hitY,netcatch,;
You're using a trigger action in a for loop.
Trigger actions should be more precise, and not spam 10+ times in an instant, this can cause massive lag on normal graal servers.
triggeraction playerx+1.5+vecx(playerdir)*2,playery+2+vecy(playerdir)*2,netcatch,;
Re: Weapon use = Disconnect
Possibly an error in the GServer.
I've refrained from using Trigger Actions because previously they were too unreliable. (The shoot command, used for arrows and bullets, is also triggeraction based, and was prone to breaking)
Also theres been random plaguing with a weird 'isleader' type glitch for some NPCs. If your NPC runs on a timeout for some reason, try adding timereverywhere;
This makes everyone able to run timeout/for/while loops instead of having it instantly stop the moment it's supposed to loop.