Welcome Back

Heya all, nice to see your back online :slight_smile: hope to see you on the game soon.


I will be in game :slight_smile:


What the heck happened . . . 0.0 I just randomly decided to check for graal.in and it was there! Eh, what happened? Cadavre any comments?

What? We were never gone. :slight_smile: The site was down though because of some bullshit. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never said it was gone. I was more or less wondering what this “Bullshit” of which you speak is. :stuck_out_tongue:

ask joey. :stuck_out_tongue:

Joey = Public Enemy #2 (#1 is unixfag)

Joey hosts the site for us for free so shut that bleeping mouth of yours.

True true, though what was Joey up to, or why ask Joey?
If you know, then why don’t you say it? lol
Anyways, I will get around to talking to Joey later on. :smiley: Thanks anyways Cadavre.
Yeah Seraph, Joey is a good kid. lol Not a bad one. :slight_smile:

Im sorry :cry:

True true, though what was Joey up to, or why ask Joey?
If you know, then why don’t you say it? lol

The thing is that I don’t know at all why the site was down this long. He put it down to talk to Unixmad. But nothing happened. :stuck_out_tongue:

[QUOTE=Cadavre;6177]He put it down to talk to Unixmad. But nothing happened. :P[/QUOTE]

Long talk . . :smiley:
Anyways, it’s all good! Gave me a break from getting yelled at. 0.0
Thanks Cadavre for a bit of information.

Side note:
Seraph get a Spanky Mc. Spank?

A new feature is http://www.graal.in/playerworlds

If you want a picture set up for your server, make it in that size with rounded corners just like the default one shows and email me it to [email protected]

In the future you’ll be able to upload them by the ServerHQ interface.

[QUOTE=SeraphX;6175]Im sorry :cry:[/QUOTE]

No, you’re not.

Sounds good Cadavre, thanks for that little “tool”.

Time to make a picture! Rawr . . . .
Err never mind, time for work! lol


:whatever: Says you

Glad to see Reborn back up and alive. You have no idea how peeved I was to think it was gone, lol

the name “Reborn” gives you an idea of how hard we are to takedown. hehe, also Cadavre i love the new feature for the come back of reborn… BUT WHERE IS XORIA ON IT??