What is Graal Reborn?

Graal Reborn is an adventurous massively muti-player online roleplaying exerience. Players (such as yourself) can build, create, host, nearly everything! Just about everything in Graal Reborn you can customzie anything. Graal Reborn can also help you anwser your questions about our project or using our software. Build a lake, create guilds, items, maps, levels, and it keeps going on, this is one game that’ll make you keep coming back for more!

Graal Reborn doesn’t have a large development staff to creating huge improvements on the gserver, the gserver is compeletely recoded which is the very reason why it doesn’t have all those super-cool bug fixes or features yet. The project first started by 39ster (I think some of you might remember him?) he wanted a way to help improve his programming skills, he started with re-coding the GraalOnline Gserver.

Of course over time, a few people started hearing the word and came together to agree on one thing; It was time for a change. Today were working hard as ever thinking of better ways to better benefit the players, Joey is one of them. He’s pretty much in the ‘lead’ or ‘head’ man. he does most of the coding, he listens most than anyone else and always hearing about the bug fixes. Don’t annoy him too much!

A couple other people on the team are; Agret, Vice, Cadavre, Joey, Beholder, Dangerless, Curly Brace. (Beholder does more of the testing releated things) Cadavre only recently started helpping with the gserver during 2007, on his birthday, he gave Joey a hand with the coding. Agret and Vice are people who you’ll get a rare chance to speak to they do deeper coding I won’t explain as what though because I don’t feel like I should, but I can see there a big part in the project. Beholder only tests things and gives Joey a tip or two on what he did wrong while coding. Curly Brace also recently started giving Marlon a hand with desgining the tempalte of the forums/site. Dangerless fills the website with content, suggests fixes and whatnot.