Where can i get the Gif's?

where can i download the gif's/png for the Heads, shields, bodies, ect.?

Re: Where can i get the Gif’s?

Either someone can pack their folders up for you. Or you can connect to the official client and run around for a while. When the heads, etc… are visible on your screen they’re cached in your “…GraalOnline\levels” folders.

Re: Where can i get the Gif’s?

would anyone mind sending me a pack of heads, gif, bodies, shield, swords, and everything else to my e-mail [email protected]

Re: Where can i get the Gif’s?

Why don't you just do what The red dude said?
Go to your graal folder
Open levels
Bam all your images Heads,Bodies,shields,Webgifs, Hats
W/e else you need is all there x.x
Waste of time waiting for a send in truth Dx

Re: Where can i get the Gif’s?

| What he said.

Re: Where can i get the Gif’s?

“Running around for a while” could take eons depending on what server you go on and who’s using what heads/shields etc and isn’t the best way of getting them surely.

I have all the default heads I think, up to head1000+ but not sure about anything else. I can pack them for you but an easier way would be to log into graal, find a server that has a head selector and scroll though every head.

For gifs etc I think there's some stuff here but don't quote me on that http://vblearn.free.fr/graalonline/?page=downloads&lng=eng