Which video card is better?

I currently have a AGP 8x motherboard with a 3.3GHz Celeron running at 4GHz, 2GBs 533MHz DDR2 RAM, a Radeon 9600 card with 256MB of GDDR… Yes I know AGP sucks, celerons suck, my motherboard sucks and most of my stuff sucks, but I don’t want to spend a load of money at once buying a bunch of stuff, instead I simply want to buy a good replacement card for under $100 … I am currently looking at two options… a Diablotek GeForce 7300GT card with 512MB GDDR2 memory http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3855296&CatId=2234 and a Radeon X1600 Pro with 512MB GDDR2 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1964110&CatId=2234 which one is better for the price? where can I find benchmarks, opinions, and links? any thoughts or experiences would be helpful.

I have heard and seen mostly the same things, I think i’ll go with the 512MB Radeon X1600 Pro or something close to it… I was also considering this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102086R but am worried since it is a open box product and I may get something that won’t work…

Newegg has your back with Open Box products. They will definitely give you a full refund, but you have to install and check the card the moment you receive it. Before I upgraded to a Radeon HD 2600 XT, I had used the x1650 Pro. It’s a good card and won’t let you down. All I can say is, “Make sure you have a good power supply as you make your upgrades.”

I am well aware of this. For over a year none of my components have really seen any significant negative effects, the BIOS shows the voltages are pretty close to what they should be, and all my components are worth under $150 at most. Now adding more load such as a more powerful video card could change that.

I bought the 512MB Radeon X1600 on Saturday for $67 59.99 + 6.99 shipping, 0.00 tax I should get it on Friday, it should be in a box with the typical cables, stuff, and CD, and supposably weighs 2.70lbs. A good deal IMO and the last upgrade I will be doing to this motherboard with the only exceptions being possibly replacing the Celeron CPU with a dual core CPU “motherboard supports up to 1066MHz FSB” and maybe a 500GB SATA hard drive to replace my 80GB IDE. I will test various things before and after to see what if any performance increases it will have over my 256MB Radeon 9600.

Tu madre.

I do not understand French or other languages. I installed the thing on Friday and it makes a world of difference. It can play Oblivion on High settings at 1024x768 with HDR and everything even more smoothly than the old card did on low settings at 640x480 with no lighting, and it plays most other games at least twice as good at higher settings.

‘Tu madre’ means ‘Your mother’ in Spanish.

so your mexican…

I’m not Mexican. I’m a European mix. Polish, Irish, French, German, and English.

Oh thats why your always angry… German AND English, i hate to think what happens to you when the football comes on?

I don’t watch sports. O.o Waste of my time.

French? The anti-english? Now i know why you troll all the time.


[QUOTE=SeraphX;6157]French? The anti-english?[/QUOTE]

Anyways I agree with Waffles on the ATI.
Which reminds me that I have to up my card so that my fricken HDTV would run right . . . damn card is on it’s way!!.

My Monitor busted, it was unavoidable . . . a bat.
Anyways! New 27 Inch HDTV!:slight_smile:
Now my eyes can burn twice as fast!

Yeah . . ::Stands in corner::

lol oh yea this is the GFX Card thread… better let you get back to your tech. talk.