zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386


Because you guys use a slightly newer version this might be irrelevant but…

I have been on and off working on “cleaning” up the 1.39 graal client and server for a bit of a laugh in uni. So far I have cracked the client to remove the md5 checksum check so that the client can actually be modified. As a result I have also managed to change the folders so that the client is a lot neater.

I have also changed the way it is started as you will notice by ruinning zclient.exe. This is set this way so other users can make their own login interface etc… Look in the .\\bin folder for example batch files of how to use it.

The registry entries have also been changed so it now defaults to HKCU\\Zelda\\Client

Much of the way the client runs has been patched in memory, i.e the chat box has been moved to a standalone app which can also link to a web chat server so users can have global chat within the client rather than having to use IRC.

The main thing is that it skips that god damn ugly 1.39 login screen.

Source is all included with the client in .\\src the runtime modification code is in c++ whilst the interface ones are in vb6

Feel free to use my online c++ compiler account at…

Username: zclient
Password: zclientpass

I have also slightly modified the server (zserver :p) in the way that the console is neater and updated it to newer version of cygwin. The source also compiles now because I compiled zlib (libz.a) and included that in the source directory. The source is included in the application directory.

Downloads below…





Hope this helps anyone…



Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386

Woot! Someone was still playing with this shit, this is good news for me anyways. Curiously asking though, this isn't text-based is it? (accounts, etc)

Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386

the source can be easily compiled as text or mysql. But the binaries are currently text based… so all the accounts are stored in the .\\database folder.

I decided to compile it text based because I was setting up an asp.net signup page for it and I already had an Oracle database on my server for my web compiler. I didnt want them to conflict.

Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386

Sounds pretty nice. Though, I don't think I could go back to 1.39 after playing with 2.x. Maybe you could help us with our newer client/server?

Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386

I still don't understand why 1.39 is still so much better than the current server aside of a few fuctions and features. Though I suggest what Awakened said, when Joey releases the gserver it usually has a crap load of problems. As for the client, were too far off for it still, I have no idea whats going on because Vice keeps vanishing.

Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386

I have never really touched 2.x, I only really started playing with 1.39 because I remember it being quite a laugh on Marlon’s old server. If you would like me to implement some of the stuff from zclient onto your client I would enjoy doing so. Does the client have an offline mode because my university “usually” blocks me connecting outside to anything but ftp and http protocols and I would find it quite hard to develop for something I cant run :stuck_out_tongue:

Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386

Yes, there is an offline mode.

Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386

kk cool. Just tell me what u need doing and I'll get it done lol. Could someone please upload client to www.mediafire.com because torrents are impossible to download with the uni halls internet.


Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386


Here is a list of links to the client. Also, I am behind whats going on, you should ask Agret or Joey on IRC.

Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386

A differn't size intro screen would be deadly, the small ass size of the login screen as is makes it brutal to skin.

Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386

Hmm, I am not sure what you mean? My one comes with no intro screen. If you run zclient.exe it will show you the paramaters that you need to use such as Nickname, Account, Password, Host IP and Port. The whole point of my one is so that players can make their own login screen in visual basic or what we used in the university was registering the zclient.exe to the web browser so that…

zclient:\\ickname, Server, Port, Account, Password

actually logged you into the game straight from the php website.

You can see example bat files in the /bin directory on how to use it. If my server was still up Guest.bat would log you straight in.

Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386

Yeah, thats cool. Good job man. I mean't as additions to the client would be sweet

Re: zclient-0.3-win32-i386 & zserver-0.3-win32-i386

ah i see. OK cool, ill have a crack at it