A cybersquatting blast from the past!

I was doing research for part of my website I was working on and found some interesting old articles that paint the picture of the beginnings of Unixmad’s career and how he makes most of his money. We’re talking about hundreds of thousands and millions of euros here…
01Net - generic names. fr: the rush! http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.01net.com/editorial/106542/noms-generiques-en-fr-cest-le-rush/&prev=/search%3Fq%3Deurocenter%2Bcybersquat%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1440%26bih%3D715%26prmd%3Dimvns&sa=X&ei=2i92UMD0CoTVigKQhICIDg&ved=0CCEQ7gEwAA
Basically Eurocenter was made to register hundreds “now thousands” of domain names with Unixmad paying little to nothing per domain then holding the whole name hostage for hundreds of thousands of euros. Unixmad using his access to French telcom registered many of the names before anyone in the public had the chance.

EYE OF THE SYSTEM - July 1995 http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fmediatheque.ircam.fr%2Foeil%2Ftextes%2F2%2F28.html
Unixmad had access to several French telecom projects and misused these resources to charge people for bandwidth and servers he did not actually own or had the right to, he also later used this access to begin cybersquatting domains and create the email address [email protected] to scam French Telecom customers. I will expand on this more and put and in depth article on my website once I complete it and put it back up.


That dirt bag!

He really owns a lot of domains that actually are worth quite the bit of money o.o

Ludicrous, but he does know how to make money xP Even though it’s a wrong way of it :confused: