An ASM Rip Of Joeys Graal Rip (Zelda III Arena)

Yo, I was having a little play with the ASM (NASM) bindings for SDL and got a bit carried away. This is my rip of Joeys Graal rip, although because I could not work out the format, does not parse .NW files (mine parses a generic .dat :)) but I can guarantee that the source is about 8 times longer haha.

So far collision will occur on every tile apart from the Grass tile.

If anyone has any improvements, main loop (in OllyDbg) starts at 00401C99 so enjoy :slight_smile:

SDL_Delay parameter (in OllyDbg) is at 00401CC6 if you feel that it is too fast or slow.


Up, Down, Left, Right - Movement
0 - equip shield
1-9 - equip invisible weapons :stuck_out_tongue:

enjoy :slight_smile:

Haha nice work, maybe you should get the proper source off Joey if he has it still.