An Idea...

Here’s an idea most people won’t like, but might work.

Make a new version of the GServer and don’t release it to the public. Make one server have that GServer and make it so other versions of the GServer don’t work. Have everyone work on that server and when it’s decent enough to hold a good playercount release the new GServer…

I think you’re right, most people won’t like that. While I know the goal here is to get a good server for everyone to play on, I’m sure a good portion of the people working on servers including myself would NOT like working on one together with everyone. Using sentinel as an example, to truly get a quality server you really can’t just have a bunch of people working on it. I for one like graal reborn because of the ability of creating your own server. It’s hard enough without having the source to the list server. Right now all my faith is in that graal reborn will continue to live on, and if not, that the list server will be released. If the gserver as well becomes unreleased, I, and I’m sure many others would no longer work on servers. What if the site goes down permanently? I’m not saying that would happen, and I hope it never does, but the fear of losing all of your hard work is too big to not have at least your own gserver as backup.

I’m perfectly ok with helping on another server, but I do want the ability to do my own. I’d be glad to share my scripts or anything else with any other server, but I’ve found that on my own server, it’s nearly impossible to find people that I would be willing to have help, either due to lack of creativity, talent, or they’re doing their own server.

If everyone here had the scripting talent of beholder, agret, nalin etc. or had the graphics ability of sublime, yes the server would be amazing. But if we only have one server, that means we’d also be forced to have the lesser skilled (but still have potential don’t get me wrong, I like everyone’s stuff) to add stuff to the server as well. If we didn’t add their stuff, why would they stay here? Graal reborn’s beauty is the ability to learn and test everything you want, while having a great community to help you when you get stuck.

Sorry to disagree, I’m just not into the idea, but I can see where you’re coming from.


I didn’t actually mean have EVERYONE working on it. A hired team, like on the Graal Reborn server. The Graal Reborn server could bring a higher playercount to GR. Then when it’s close to a finished story line (if any) or enough stuff to keep players occupied, you can advertise for the Graal Reborn server and forums.

___Merged doublepost__________________

Or just get people to start working on the GR server.

Woah, i cant beleave im going to say this but Spooon has got a good idea and i agree, to a point.
Yes get one World made by everyone who cares to help (and aproved by staff), if a team is put together then a password protected sub-forum would be good for them to work together on what needs doing.
As for shutting down or locking off the player created worlds, i dont think that would help in anyway if anything it would get everyone to quit and go play “pac-man” or some other REALY boring game that doesnt compair the graal in anyway.

But yes great idea just need to have a play around with it and see if we can think of some way for it to work out for everyone.

Could bring back Gold PlayerWorlds. >;P

Good idea, we might as well do that. :smiley:

Mmm I like the idea, but at the same time I don’t.
I like the idea of people working together on one playerworld to get it released faster.
I don’t like the fact you want to close off every other playerworld.

I’d be happy to contribute images now and then to the main server. The only real reason I’m here is though to make a nice server. Which is what I’m currently doing.
For you to just close it like that . . what a waste of effort on my part.

Just do the whole Tabs again. Get some people together and brain storm ideas for a main server. Let the private servers stay though.

3d: Gold: Classic: Hosted:

Edit: Include me in that graphic list Kendog!!! xD
Or not xD, either way is fine. I try damnit!

i think everyone is of the opinion, work together on one world, dont close off the others.

i beleave everyone will go to the “Main World” as it will have stuff that havnt seen or done before even if you worked on it, and as it should get most players on it because of this any new guys will go to it as well.
Reborn should alway try to stay a place where make your own server and post it up for all to see for free, its the one and only thing that we can use to make us better than Graal.

As for bring back Gold, whatever as long as we have the MainWorld and the PlayerWorlds we can get anything else you like.

Well the problem I was thinking of is people working on their own server instead of the GR server.

this is such an awsome idea to work on one server, i think everyone would rather work on this one and get it done to pull in new members than carry on working on there own server.

when the Server is finnished then people will go back to there own servers and the Reborn Team can run it and Update it, and they could still take some levels form the players to keep them involved.

Actually, think of all the people that do not post on the forums and just work on their own server with friends.

they could do, and they will all miss out of the RebornWorld when we start making it… Which is When??

There has been a thread about recruiting to Graal Reborn PW lots of times, but noone gave a real responce or if they did they we’re unreachable after that one post. ;(

[QUOTE=Negitar;6097]they could do, and they will all miss out of the RebornWorld when we start making it… Which is When??[/QUOTE]
Woah… thought you said RebornWood… Hated that server…

Sorry rileyfirey! I don’t know how I forgot you and your’ beautiful tileset you’ve been working on. Yeah I add you to the list :P.

Whaa…? What does that post have to do with this thread?

No spooon you suck and so do your ideas

(hehe just kidding, good idea)

Uh huh


Edit: Include me in that graphic list Kendog!!! xD
Or not xD, either way is fine. I try damnit!

Eh I said it in this Thread. :slight_smile:

Sorry rileyfirey! I don’t know how I forgot you and your’ beautiful tileset you’ve been working on. Yeah I add you to the list :P.

Just a late response from Ken.

Anyways I like the idea, but problem is again if you wanted to close down all other servers, or limit their access. Actually! That’s an idea, maybe instead of making just one server, have people propose some ideas for a few “Graal Classic/Gold/Whatever” servers. So instead of just making the Graal Reborn “Classic” world, we could have like 3-5 servers. I mean at least this way a few people wouldn’t be limited to just working on one server. Gives them a little choice eh.

Basically saying instead of making just one server and disabling the rest for now, make like 3-5 at once.

Actually I just got confused while typing this . . so if you can figure out my point, err yeah.
Seraph, Spoon’s ideas don’t suck . . they just belong in a “Special” class of their own. (hehe, not kidding. 0.0)

Reborn Wood, xD . . yeah . . leave it at that. lol

You’d become more emo than Beholder if you could see into my mind. My ideas are unique and my actions are all purposeful.

Umm just wish the Matrix was right… “There is no Spooon” … lol.

well good idea but with 3-5 serves it would be hard to get any REAL amount of work done.