Apocalypse Realm D2 Private Realm


both it and chaos realm, 2 different mods. has one launcher that can set your install to 1.11b, apocalypse, chaos, and 1.09d.

the 2 private realms allow the use of the maphack thats launched by the apoc launcher.

the Apocalypse mod comes with Diabolic (that only works in singleplayer)

my personal favorite d2 mod is Eastern Sun.

Re: Apocalypse Realm D2 Private Realm

How many people log on to this realm?

Re: Apocalypse Realm D2 Private Realm

depends on when you connect…

the Apoc realm has peak times, the Chaos realm has a low population. (Median isnt a very popular mod)

Apoc mod, combines the best features of the best versions before 1.11…

Re: Apocalypse Realm D2 Private Realm

still doesnt say much
is “peak times” like… 20 people playing?

what's low population? 20 people at peak time?

Re: Apocalypse Realm D2 Private Realm

I havent been on at peak times, but on Chaos, it peaks at around 10 people methinks…
there are 4,628 registered to the forums. so I be thinking the peak times has a lot of people on the Apoc server.

886 topics in the Application subforum for Apoc…thats 886 accounts…only 89 posts on the Chaos Application subforum…

Re: Apocalypse Realm D2 Private Realm

So your saying, Chaos is not a popular server to get on even at peak times?

Re: Apocalypse Realm D2 Private Realm

not alot of people like the mod Median.

Re: Apocalypse Realm D2 Private Realm

I'll check it out, I sure do remember how fun diablo was.