Appreciation Topic

I just realized how amazing it is that this project has stayed up despite the inactivity and general lack of interest. If it weren’t for Cadavre, Joey, Agret, Nalin, Beholder and even Dangerless’ efforts in keeping the site/listserver up, coding, and trying to keep this small community alive, it would have gone the way of the 1.39 servers. (Such a fun sentence with the word filters :P)

So yeah, I think they all deserve thanks for going this far (also probably some others I didn’t mention).

Re: Appreciation Topic

For the last few gserver releases you really should thank Nalin because I honestly believe without him we wouldn’t have even gotten this far. :wink:

Re: Appreciation Topic


Re: Appreciation Topic

Doesn’t appreciate his post being deleted

that Joe-cool guy’s Bandwidth! that Joe-cool guy keeps the site/listserver up damnit :O. Dangerless isn’t that nice :frowning:

Re: Appreciation Topic

Thats only because you were pissed at me during the time we were fighting so I figured to avoid the message boards being spammed I wanted to keep it off of here. You know? To avoid any un-need drama.