I’d just like to know the names of the four followers aiding Azazel in the intro cut-scene. I looked through the webgifs folder and this is what I got: Azel=Azazel
Druid=Druid (Not sure if its part of a longer name)
Retaw=Retaw (Not sure if that’s the character’s name)
Bath=Bath (Not sure if they mean Bathmog/Bath Mog)
I’d just like some confirmation on their names is all…
And I’d like to take this moment to apologize. to Spooon, Tea, and whoever else I’ve been a douche too. I take crap way too seriously, so I tend to lose my shit easily. I gotta work on that. this’ll most likely be my last post so id really like it to have an answer related to the question. peace out Oldbies.