Azazel's Followers Names Help

I’d just like to know the names of the four followers aiding Azazel in the intro cut-scene. I looked through the webgifs folder and this is what I got: Azel=Azazel
Druid=Druid (Not sure if its part of a longer name)
Retaw=Retaw (Not sure if that’s the character’s name)
Bath=Bath (Not sure if they mean Bathmog/Bath Mog)

I’d just like some confirmation on their names is all…

And I’d like to take this moment to apologize. to Spooon, Tea, and whoever else I’ve been a douche too. I take crap way too seriously, so I tend to lose my shit easily. I gotta work on that. this’ll most likely be my last post so id really like it to have an answer related to the question. peace out Oldbies.

Horus, Druid, Retaw, Bathmog, Azazel

Thank you. And sorry to you too if I stepped on your toes at all. I’m a complete idiot on these forums so I’d appreciate it if over time all my threads could be deleted, there’s no need to have any traces of a dumb short-tempered Claud like me lazing about on this forum. See ya

I’ll keep them around so you can remind yourself not to be a complete cuntasaurus rex.