May be unixmad, a simple IP check will confirm this, a long with the fact that he never posts, replies to PMs, and only goes on Gservers and makes them crash… Also the year he is born is in his username and it’s a name he would use…
Hey Reminds me! My Birthday is coming up on July 19!!! yes me and Unixmad share the same Birth date =P
By any chance can you put full logging on your server so that when he does it again you can send me the console. (unsure how ‘full logging’ works and what it displays… i’ve not touched the gserver or cared to in months ;o)
hello all i am bluebird67 I’m just a player of graal.
I do not know too that have repproche me here but I certify I love graal reborn and I had nothing do with the other french who work for unixmade or other site on graal I’m just a fan of graal which finds that your site is great and wants to achieve are simply dreams: is create own world of graal free.
but it 's true i am french and i do not speack very well english so excuse if i dont post here.
I’m cool and rumours are the nasty if you wanna i post here say simply hey bluebirds how are you men and dont come here if i do not here and post a rumours totaly fake.
And finally I come here and I made the pub for you without saying anything at the french to attract the world as a graal reborn france is not known but if you wish realy I withdrew my server (lumina) then end my dream.
and oh i am born on 75 i have 33 years old 67 is just a number …
It is possible that this is not Unixmad since unixmad usually uses a different type of english. Just because he is from France does not mean he is unixmad, I just thought with all the coincidences it would have been a possibility, I did not expect this account to actually show up on the forums or reply, so that changes things.
[quote=bluebird67;4740]hello all i am bluebird67 I’m just a player of graal.
I do not know too that have repproche me here but I certify I love graal reborn and I had nothing do with the other french who work for unixmade or other site on graal I’m just a fan of graal which finds that your site is great and wants to achieve are simply dreams: is create own world of graal free.
but it 's true i am french and i do not speack very well english so excuse if i dont post here.
I’m cool and rumours are the nasty if you wanna i post here say simply hey bluebirds how are you men and dont come here if i do not here and post a rumours totaly fake.
And finally I come here and I made the pub for you without saying anything at the french to attract the world as a graal reborn france is not known but if you wish realy I withdrew my server (lumina) then end my dream.
and oh i am born on 75 i have 33 years old 67 is just a number …[/quote]
I’ll delete any of your information posted here then.
hello all i am bluebird67 I’m just a player of graal.
I do not know too that have repproche me here but I certify I love graal reborn and I had nothing do with the other french who work for unixmade or other site on graal I’m just a fan of graal which finds that your site is great and wants to achieve are simply dreams: is create own world of graal free.
but it 's true i am french and i do not speack very well english so excuse if i dont post here.
I’m cool and rumours are the nasty if you wanna i post here say simply hey bluebirds how are you men and dont come here if i do not here and post a rumours totaly fake.
And finally I come here and I made the pub for you without saying anything at the french to attract the world as a graal reborn france is not known but if you wish realy I withdrew my server (lumina) then end my dream.
and oh i am born on 75 i have 33 years old 67 is just a number …
I’m breaking out my stupid to English dictionary =P
Hey be nice now… This guy is NOT unixmad… Also it looks like it was translated by a online translator such as babelfish or google… I am sure our words look just as silly to him. Not all French people are bad, in fact most I have met with the exception of unixmad are good people. MagicalTux is a good French guy, I think Fuitad was a French Canadian, and there are probably at least a dozen French Graal players… Only Unixmad, and the corrupt French Government agencies such as the B.E.F.T.I are bad people. Considering the past with the DDOS attacks, threats, and lies from Unixmad and secret people though I feel it is reasonable to be suspicious first and apologize later if I am wrong…
be nice to french, be bad to unixfag :V
im part french myself :x
the only bad thing to say about the french, most of them are too nice… makes you wonder if they have an ulterior motive?? lol
I feel kinda bad for blue, he feels left out since he cant speak good english. And ballin thought he was some kind of faggot who worked for unixfag.
Stephane can’t speak English, this guy can’t speak English, 80% of kids on GraalOnline can’t speak English… I think this helps some… I only read the first 5 posts in this thread.