Booty Madness

Jatz is and forever shall be my favorite member. I can’t say it enough. Thank you for existing, jatz.

Stop making us look bad with your exclusive libraries.

Now Jatz leaves me to write the Mac version which will look nothing like its Windows counterpart. :suicide:

I like that gif

I wanted to stop in and say hello to everyone. I’m the artist working with Jatz on this project.
Here is a little teaser of some of the work in progress stuff I’m putting together right now.

Also just wanted to let you guys know I’m now live streaming pixel art development on Twitch… I’ll be logging in daily.

Thanks for all the kind words guys, Jatz is doing an amazing job with the code… Can’t wait till you guys get to try it out.

Respect+ for the neat work. Can’t wait to see more :slight_smile:

I really want that booty

Here are some goddies I posted on another forum. – Wait till you see the cool light effect i’m working on for when you open the chest and gold/gems start spraying up into the air…
The pirate looking chest and key on the far right are rares. They will drop some very special loot.

wow i got a neg rep for posting about the mac version




Swigitty swotty, i’m comin’ fo dat booty.

Ah cool!
Great idea I like the little army green guy.
Update me when you go global.