Bruges Shield Font?

Is the B a font style or is it whatever?

I’ll just hop in my time machine to 1998 and ask.

Are there nothing but useless sarcastic fuck-faces here? It doesn’t matter when this shit was made. I was asking what the font was you dumb piece of shit.

You’re a pretty angry kid, huh? Stop getting mad at nothing.

I don’t have time for useless comments like his or yours, either help me out or get the fuck out.

And your rage comments aren’t useless? Only the person who made the shield would know what the font is, if it was a font at all. Which is what Thor meant, but you’re obviously too fucking stupid to realize that on your own. Keep acting like this and you’re not going to get anymore help from anyone.

Maddest Nerds™

I kindof enjoyed 1998 so spent a day there before coming back, but with this being said I shall no longer be sharing the requested information as I have done in previous Classic related threads.

The text is most likely hand drawn pixels.

The font on the shield is extremely close to this one (99% similar). Try it out.

Source: I’m a graphic designer. Deal with it.

I can’t even see that damned B.