can someone fix this

still didnt work for me

Works for me shrug Might want to try it with these fixes:
[php]if (playertouchsme) {
playermp = 100;
toweapons -Stealth;

if ((timeout || playerenters) && isweapon) {
if (keydown2(88,true && playermp>0) {
replaceani idle,Kendig_stealthidle;
replaceani walk,Kendig_stealth;
if (strequals(#m,idle)) setani Kendig_stealthidle,;
else if (strequals(#m,walk)) setani Kendig_stealth,;
this.regen = (this.regen - 0.05) % 0.1;
if(this.regen == 0) playermp -= 1;
this.stealthing = 1;
} else {
if (this.stealthing == 1) {
replaceani idle,idle;
replaceani walk,walk;
setani idle,;
this.stealthing = 0;
timeout = 0.05;

if (playertouchsme) {
  toweapons -Stealth;

if ((timeout || playerenters) && isweapon) {
    replaceani idle,Kendig_stealthidle;
    replaceani walk,Kendig_stealth;
    this.regen = (this.regen - 0.05) % 0.1;
    if(this.regen == 0) playermp -= 1;
    if(playermp==0) this.stealththing =0;
  } else if (this.stealththing == 0) {
      replaceani idle,idle;
      replaceani walk,walk;
  timeout = 0.05;

if(keypressed && keydown2(88,true) && playermp>0) {
 this.stealththing = (this.stealththing+1)%2;

that will toggle every time the x key is pressed O_o
is that what you wanted if not please explain it better

somebody try that does the x key go beserk for you too? lmfao
cause you like pres it and WHAM it goes nuts

Oh… you wanted it to toggle? The script suggests something completely different roll

nvm urza nailed it lol works perfectly, thanks lol

btw moneky(corey) was trying to help me get that bow system he has on my offline server
only problem is he couldnt figure it out

could you somehow edit that to make it so once you get the bow its always equipped and s turns on and off the aiming system and click shoots, but it needs to be able to hurt regular comps and baddies.

its probably simple but i couldnt figure it out lol

i basically want it to be if the player touches it he gets it, it replaces the s button for archers s turns on aiming and if your aiming s turns it off… i may have repeated myself but im trying to explain it perfect

if(playerenters &&!isweapon) {
  toweapons -Archers Bow;

if ((playerenters || timeout) && isweapon) {
  this.angle = getangle(mousex-playerx,mousey-playery);
  this.x = playerx+vecx(playerdir);
  this.y = playery+vecy(playerdir);
  this.z = 45*(pi*2)/360;

  if (keydown(5)) {
      enabledefmovement; this.aiming=0; setplayerprop #c,Aiming Cancelled; sleep 1;
      this.Stimer = .60;
      freezeplayer 0.4;
      setplayerprop #c,Aim Initiated!;
      sleep .50;

  this.d = 2;
  replaceani idle,zod_bow2idle;
  replaceani walk,zod_bow2walk;
  setplayerprop #P2,zodiac_rifbowsparkle2.gif;

  if (leftmousebutton&&this.aiming=1&&this.Stimer<=0) {
    setani zod_bow2attack,;
    shoot this.x,this.y,this.z,this.angle,2,4,eye_2x_arrow,;
    freezeplayer 0.5;
    this.Stimer = 0.60;
    putleaps 3,playerx,playery;

  if(this.Stimer > 0) this.Stimer-=0.05;
  timeout = 0.05;

tyvm, it worked good but… how do i get it to hurt npc characters and baddies?

You can’t use shoot if you want that. It’s a kind of difficult concept for a beginner to understand. Gotta do it all manually.

crap… really? hmmmm… is there any way even thru hex editing that i could make arrows default damage stronger?

No. Plus that would be clientside, no one would want to use that version if it gave them a disadvantage everywhere else.

Want something stronger that shoots? use fireballs instead of arrows.

Other than that, you’re biting off more than you can chew, and don’t keep increasing the speed of the treadmill if you can’t run that fast.

Get some practice first before taking on another project. Please.

So you don’t have to keep posting on the forums…

Here you go.

[email protected]

is it really necessary for you to rip on me every fucking chance you get?

Do you still think it’s because it’s you posting? I just don’t like the threads asking for help being posted up everyday.

I’m new on the forums myself…but it seems …thats just Spooon’s way of sharin’ his love. I wouldnt take it personally. But you really should look into all the scripting documentation thats available here.

And I love you all. Except for…“you know who” >.>

Im aware of this… but see i have other things to do IRL, i’m too busy to sit there for hours and try to figure out a code… i try to my knowledge, if i cant figure it out. it goes up here.


no… you can’t say his name… it’s a curse everyone else knows who I mean

i take it ive missed something lol