
Just trying to get some C+C on some tiles I am making. Maybe some help too :open_mouth:
Edit: durr. forgot to mention something: thats what i get for posting at 2 AM
Only the rooflike tiles on the top are what I am editing, trying to make it so the wall can come to a stop at the top. Most of which have part of unoringinal tiles in them.
As Behold says below, the rest of the tiles are made Konidias

other than the misplacement of the bottomright corner tiles, anything wrong with it? Anything look better than the other for alternative?

Re: Castle

Well, it looks pretty flat. I would try to make the top brighter ;o

Re: Castle

They're Konidias' new G2k1 tiles, they're meant to be as walls, but most of the tiles are either sharp, or have no contrast to them. Making them look very flat

Re: Castle

Thanks for the advice. Couldn't see much wrong with them at 2 in the morning myself >.>

With middle and without middle

edited the tiles and such. something still looks off, but i can't quite put my finger on it. Either that or the whole concept I'm going for is poorly executed XD.

Personally I think the sides on the outside look a bit too crowded due to 2 tiles, but it looks uneven I use the 2 stone thing for the bottom and top of the roof barrier while only using 1 stone for the left and right. Making the side stones skinny also hampers some things.

Re: Castle

It looks strange to me in the fact that the tiles are high quality, but there’s no shading. You might add a couple more tiles for that. Shadows are what make things seem to “pop out.”

Re: Castle

Needs bump map and shadows applied. Looks very flat and weird.