converting cords

i am having problems turning screen cords into this variables . I’ve tried …




anyone know what I’m doing wrong ?

It’s because screenwidth and height are already variables. get rid of the strtofloat and #v crap. Should work then.

it still tells me the value of said this strings is 0 . but it don’t matter I’m just going to run it off the player’s cords . thanks anyways spoon.

are u changing the imgvis to 4 for these images you are showing?

screen positions need to be at the 4 layer.


showimg 1,@@@Test,this.x,this.y;
changeimgvis 1,4;

some at four and some at five but that is not the issue . the issue is turning the screen variable into this.variable’s for use further along in the script . it has nothing to do with the layer .

if (playerenters) { this.width = screenwidth; this.height = screenheight; setplayerprop #c, #v(this.width) : #v(this.height); }

well that seems to work . don’t know if it because i didn’t add any spaces to the line but it wouldn’t show any value higher then 0 for me .

Downsider does GS2, so he loves unnecessary spacing.

Or maybe it’s because I like formatting that doesn’t look like shit.

At least you don’t use box format. -_-

Hi Spooon.

Uh… Hello.

Why is this post in the tutorial section =/ o HI downsider ;x how you doing

Love is in the air!

But really now.
No one thought of using mousex/mousey with mousescreenx/mousescreeny? O_o
Would help if he had a proper concept of “the screen”, which is not bound to the level.

that much i know , the problem was converting the screen cords into this variables , which wasn’t happening . for some reason it kept assigning a value of 0 instead of the screen cord data i was looking for . so i changed it to run off of the player cords .