//CTF Base By Trakan
setimg ae_emblem.png;
if(strequals(#g,Red Team)){
if (playerap=90) {
if (playertouchsme) {
setplayerprop #c,J’ai Marqué;
//Delete the flag
if(strequals(#g,Blue Team)){
if (playerap<=89) {
if (playertouchsme) {
setplayerprop #c,C’est ton camp !;

//CTF Flag By Trakan
setimg redflag2.png;
if(strequals(#g,Red Team)){
if (playertouchsme) {
setplayerprop #c,J’ai le Drapeau !;
if(strequals(#g,Blue Team)){
if (playertouchsme) {
setplayerprop #c,C’est mon drapeau !;

how to delete the flag ?

…The command you’re looking for is ‘destroy’.

if(playertouchsme){ destroy; }
I don’t think there are enough French people to start a French server…

//CTF Flag By Trakan
setimg redflag2.png;
if (playertouchsme) {
setplayerprop #c,J’ai le Drapeau !;
if (playertouchsme) {
setplayerprop #c,C’est mon drapeau !;

Follow player do not work !pissed!

Follow player is a command that only works in single player mode.
It even says in it’s description.

It is completely clientside, and in offline mode it allows an NPC to cross levels. The answer to this is a big no in online mode.

Change your methods by turning the player into the flag.

ok but , i’m not very good ^^ , i need help :confused:

Could use a replaceani to show a flag on a player.

There’s a number of issues I can foresee you’ll need to plan for that you probably have no idea about o_o

I’d rather the person ACTUALLY being the flag.

kk thanks all

Thats what the replaceani is for o_o

Ya but you said “flag on the player.” That’s boring. Changing into a flag would be much more entertaining.

Your pic got ripped in half…

you gonna need to set teams before each round

use server strings to handle the data ( if a flag can be carried and who is the carrier)

setstring server.ctf_redflaginfo,grabbed or not grabbed(0,1?),grabbedby#a;
you can get this data by using if (strequals(#I(server.ctf_redflaginfo,0)==1))<will check if grabbed… if
(!strequals(#I(server.ctf_redflaginfo,1)==#a))<im not in posession of the flag

need a check if player does die to drop the flag and replacestring the redflaginfo

may want a timer on the flag so it goes back to base after a certain amount has passed

your going to need another account in a level that handles everything … forreal

if (playertouchsme){
if (!flag1notgrabbed){flag1grabbed; hitstatus=#a;}

toweapons ctfcontrerl;
if (playerenters||timeout){
if (hitstatus==#a){
showimg 201,@@@EYE HAVE FLAGZZ,playerx,playery;
if (strequals(#L,theleveltobringflag.nw)&&(playerx in |28,32|&&playery in |28,32|)){
setstring server.ctf_captures,#v(strtofloat(#s(server.ctf_captures))+1);
setstring hitstatus,;
unset flag1grabbed;

/// more to come…

So many butcherings of flags, strings and variables.
As part of my advice, I suggest you practice and understand the differences between those three and how they operate.
As they are essential to anything you would want to make.

Yer, I think server strings would best fit a CTF.

What’s CTF?

Where I’m from it’s cock transformation…

Capture The Fucktard. You try to capture the most retarded guy in the arena.

Yeah, I always knew Kondie was a homo.

should I be scared now? :eek:

Lol… Yea…