//CTF Base By Trakan
setimg ae_emblem.png;
if(strequals(#g,Red Team)){
if (playerap=90) {
if (playertouchsme) {
setplayerprop #c,J’ai Marqué;
//Delete the flag
if(strequals(#g,Blue Team)){
if (playerap<=89) {
if (playertouchsme) {
setplayerprop #c,C’est ton camp !;
//CTF Flag By Trakan
setimg redflag2.png;
if(strequals(#g,Red Team)){
if (playertouchsme) {
setplayerprop #c,J’ai le Drapeau !;
if(strequals(#g,Blue Team)){
if (playertouchsme) {
setplayerprop #c,C’est mon drapeau !;
use server strings to handle the data ( if a flag can be carried and who is the carrier)
setstring server.ctf_redflaginfo,grabbed or not grabbed(0,1?),grabbedby#a;
you can get this data by using if (strequals(#I(server.ctf_redflaginfo,0)==1))<will check if grabbed… if
(!strequals(#I(server.ctf_redflaginfo,1)==#a))<im not in posession of the flag
need a check if player does die to drop the flag and replacestring the redflaginfo
may want a timer on the flag so it goes back to base after a certain amount has passed
your going to need another account in a level that handles everything … forreal
if (playertouchsme){
if (!flag1notgrabbed){flag1grabbed; hitstatus=#a;}
toweapons ctfcontrerl;
if (playerenters||timeout){
if (hitstatus==#a){
showimg 201,@@@EYE HAVE FLAGZZ,playerx,playery;
if (strequals(#L,theleveltobringflag.nw)&&(playerx in |28,32|&&playery in |28,32|)){
setstring server.ctf_captures,#v(strtofloat(#s(server.ctf_captures))+1);
setstring hitstatus,;
unset flag1grabbed;
So many butcherings of flags, strings and variables.
As part of my advice, I suggest you practice and understand the differences between those three and how they operate.
As they are essential to anything you would want to make.