Custom Item Folders

Could I see an example for a item folder for custom Q-Menus?

toweapons Folder/Name;

I meant a custom q-menu. Not the defaul one.

That’s what I was thinking. I could easily do that, but how about on a circular Q-Menu? I’m having trouble with detecting the folders on a Q-Menu.

you signature explains everything spooon :slight_smile:

Damn straight!

if (startswith(folder/,#w(this.foldervar1))) // folder1

You would need to use the string substraction command afterwords, e to suck out the display of the name folder/ by 7,-1 :stuck_out_tongue: If you want the name to display only that is lol, but that’s pretty much a small example to this old post xD

Actually you may find it to be cumbersome, sometimes the client will just bulk it together as one word without the slash, I had to use underscores for mine. O_o Regardless, this is a damn old topic.

I use underscores on Evi xD and I couldn’t resist it o:

weapon_Wooden Sword

_ = / is one of Stefan’s best thoughts.

Haha. I was thinking he same thing.

tokenize2 #w, /;
Something like that breaks the current weapon name separated by the delims “/”.

tokenize2 #w, /;
Something like that breaks the current weapon name separated by the delims “/”.

Be warned, it will still tokenize spaces, plus you want to be sure that #w even contains “/”