Dedira Anthology

Dedira Anthology

So far it's mainly just a place for me to add content. Some additions being very random, but hopefully useful later. Primarily what I do for it is script new systems.

Plans: Going to branch off into atleast 3 servers based on differn't trends or to try out new game styles. Current ideas ranging from:

[size=2] - Themed additions ( Naruto etc.)

  • Sprite and Tileset conversions (Ragnarok online, Secret of Mana)
  • Diagonal World system ( pretty much just walking diagonal instead of straight, and using the Final Fantasy Tactics isometric style)

Voting System where you can run for leader, winner is chosen by players votes.
Nation System, you can take over territories for your nation.
New Map system displaying power balances of nations and territories controlled.

New Spritesheets (based off ragnarok)
New Tileset
Graphically pleasing Weather system and Special Effects
Better more useful jump, duck, pushing, run system and environment
Pets, Puppets and Boats
Z-Targeting (-*If you'd like to help just give me a shout)

Re: Dedira Anthology

Need some help if anyones willing. Scripters, what we'll call full and junior. Even people that can patch the scripts together or debug them after being told all the commands to use.

Making a Naruto game, and pretty much there is to many menus and gui stuff to do with only one or two people.

Message me or give me a shout sometime at (msn) [email protected] if your interested.



Re: Dedira Anthology

i can supply a tileset if u would like just msg me and ill show you it