hosts private D2 LOD realms for 7 different mods, Damnation, Eastern Sun, Median, Reign of Shadow, snej, Zephyrus, Zy-El.
very stable, good features…yada yada yada…I play on the Eastern Sun Realm.
hosts private D2 LOD realms for 7 different mods, Damnation, Eastern Sun, Median, Reign of Shadow, snej, Zephyrus, Zy-El.
very stable, good features…yada yada yada…I play on the Eastern Sun Realm.
bumping for to update information (clickable d2m link
4 mods now, Median XL 1.E9 (v1.13 with unlimited respecs at akara), Eastern Sun (Dying now, barely anyone plays), Reign of Shadow (dunno how many plays, I no longer do), and Snej (same)
I play Median XL now. Pure BowDruid as my main (when hes high level (100+) his spore shot pwns even cows when using good gear…(thousands of arrows flying around hitting every cow with chance to cast on striking skills, major lag due to Median XL graphics overuse (causes buffer overflow a lot))
Median XL mod
when do you guys think Blizzard will stop allowing D2 clients to connect to battlenet?
Does Diablo 1 still work on official servers?
when do you guys think Blizzard will stop allowing D2 clients to connect to battlenet?
Does Diablo 1 still work on official servers?
They do allow WC2 Battle.NET edition, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t. Those old games doesn’t take much of their resources anyway.
With their complete over-haul of (coming in the next year or two, see blizzcon 09 footage for information), They’ll probably remove some of the older games, but games like D2, and WC3 are still alive and thriving.
[QUOTE=Cadavre;31320]They do allow WC2 Battle.NET edition, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t. Those old games doesn’t take much of their resources anyway.[/QUOTE]
True but in their eyes they may think that by disabling the Diablo 2 servers, it might make people purchase Diablo 3 when it comes out.
But they dont seem to have done this for warcraft 2 (so far), so it looks like their ideas are sane
True but in their eyes they may think that by disabling the Diablo 2 servers, it might make people purchase Diablo 3 when it comes out.
But they dont seem to have done this for warcraft 2 (so far), so it looks like their ideas are sane
That doesn’t seem very logical. People who still play Diablo 2 will buy Diablo 3 if it’s a better game. They can’t force people to by shutting down servers, people will just revert to private servers. Really, Diablo 2 is so popular that Diablo 3 is going to sell itself to those who play Diablo 2.
yeah i don’t see them shutting down Diablo 2 servers anytime soon. i mean they still make money off of Diablo 2 and even after Diablo 3 comes out im sure they will be making money off of it.
yea, from people who’s computers wont be able to run Diablo 3.
I cannot wait for diablo 3 it looks so much better but as for private realms I dont really care for them id rather just try to beat the game regularly. also why would you want a private server for diablo? I mean pking is about it but otherwise diablo 2 is a pretty boring game after you beat it
vanilla D2 doesnt use MODS for CLOSED bnet
d2maniacs and realmofteror (new hacks-friendly realm for median xl) does
also these modded realms, arnt infested with adbots. and they have actual active admins, ROT has like 5 active admins.
also, Glyde be necro
hmm i just got diablo 2 yesterday might give this a try on monday
I have a modded level 50 pally but its just boring
I’ve trying to find my Diablo 2 expansion, some of my buddies have been playing it lately.
modded as in different skills, uniques, etc. not as in haxored with a character editor.
[QUOTE=Dontar;33796]modded as in different skills, uniques, etc. not as in haxored with a character editor.[/QUOTE]
Its a character save file its ub3r haxed lol I one hit everything with smite cause its 99 also I have nothing in my inventory but those charm things I can send it to you if you want…
Also to your other post about being a necro I am a necro for my main… well it expired so not anymore but im druid now I dont play often though
people who need to cheat to play a game, shouldnt be playing games.
people who need to cheat to play a game, shouldnt be playing games.
people who need to steal to play a game, shouldn’t be playing games.
[QUOTE=Dontar;33831]people who need to cheat to play a game, shouldnt be playing games.[/QUOTE]
Noob I said in an older post I said that I didnt use it I just played on it for like 5 minutes:dangerless:
looks at Glyde’s sig
I watched Barbie Mermaid Adventures because i was too lazy to find the remote and I was playing diablo at the time