I would like to start a quick discussion about your experiences with time-systems on your playerworlds.
I remember we had a day-night system running back in the old days of Atlantis (the official german playerworld). Even though I never liked changing the backpal stuff and I remember that it had a lot of bugs (I think I still have the script somewhere on my harddrive).
Is it possible to code something working like a real-time system, so that you actually get the current time & date from the server? Do you guys even use such time systems for your playerworlds? If so, how does it work, what does it do then?
I would love to develop things like growing plants which u have to pour from time to time, NPC behavior which is seasonale related and so on… but this will be pretty difficult without the opportunity of a NPC-server
But timevar, and timevar2 can be used to track active time. Timevar is the time since the servers been started I believe, and timevar2 has been counting since 1980 or something?
They both count up by 1 every 5 seconds. So 12 for every minute.
Just set an integer for the npc at the first time it runs. Then every timeout or whatever, have it update a 2nd integer for current time. Once the current time minus (-) the first time it ran reaches the set amount of time, like 120(for 10mins) have it reset the first time integer, and do the event(grow bush?).
Yeah thats exactly what I thought, however it won’t work for me, no matter where I have the txt file. I tried levels folder with the level, npcs folder, main folder, etc. still doesn’t do it. Tried with exactly ur code too just to make sure =[
nalin that is a impressive script,
but it doesnt have to be so difficult.
just let a variable read the time
and use seteffect for the day/night effects…
its impressive tough really nice