
A dealer is a friend, a friend is a dealer.

Yeah, see there’s my problem. My general distaste for most human beings makes it such that I only really have 2 or 3 good friends (none of whom have connections).

Of course, saying “I don’t go out and make friends because I can’t stand all the stupidity/drama/social-contract-bullshit” raises the question… wtf am I doing on gr forums?!

not being social

Mostly it’s just that maintaining friendships requires hanging out, and hanging out requires wearing pants (in polite society anyway).

Also, this has gone off topic. So to bring it back around:
downsider? More like the-downs-sider. lol jk.

pants are just an illusion

An irritating one nonetheless

Well as coincidence would have it, look what popped up on
my RSS feed.

That would be sweet… except for the part about working with nude developers. considers some work-mates shudder