he seems like one of those typical, military “LETS NUKE EVERYBODY” beefheads you get taking control of everything near the end of unoriginal films where an astroid is about to hit earth…haha
I remember the first Nukem, really didn't have a story (back then I had an N64) But the second Nukem, that had Duke time traveling all over the world, had a pretty good story. Argh, I wish I could remember the game better.
That's exactly the point. He's exaggerated that badly 1) Because he's just badass like that. 2) We Americans know just what they're hitting at with him. 3) It's fucking hilarious.
Duke Nukem 3D is still really good. I suggest finding a torrent with the Atomic Edition and adding the data files from that into EDuke32, which is the best enhanced windows port.