Evi Inventory.

Hello, I made an Inventory system finally, but sadly it is to big for online use, so I must make it smaller, which just means compacting the code a bit with for loops for images, and destroying un-needed lines, I’m sure many of you could make a better system, but I’m still a new scripter in my eyes, so here is how it should work in the offline mode, I’m not giving out the script.

12,707 or below is my next goal. (The size of Downsiders Xoria Movement system.)

13,370 bytes Is what I have and it doesn’t function how it should one bit online.

Note: Since it’s also offline, the weapons like to change themselves to the “Black Bandana” after being used once.
Also, Most of the Icons aren’t drawn up yet, so I’m using the Wooden Sword Icon for pretty much most things since all icons in Evi are 22x22 unless it’s the ring, then it’s about 18x18.

Kinda buggy one that only works offline. 13,370 bytes.

Updated version (All bugs fixed) compressed one that works just swell online 12,030 bytes

It kinda reminds me of the original G2k2 Qmenu, but pretty twisted. :stuck_out_tongue:

Interesting o_o
Difficult to “read” at the moment, but I’m sure that goes away once you’re using it yourself.
I had a radial system on Sentinel, but the setbacks are “it can be slow to select items” and would make “drag and drop” type controls awkward.

Not going to bother with the youtube tag since I’m sure everyone has seen it 50 times by now O_o

Haha, I’m not using the best video recording program, some source code program I just got xD

In game it is easier, so far I have got it down to 12,645 bytes in it’s current form :slight_smile:

Just removed some undeeded changeimgzoom for the font, considering it didn’t even change the font size for “system” font :stuck_out_tongue:

Also reduced the brackets onto eachother aka }}}}} type things going on, but hey, got my goal so far so lets aim for the required for 100% usable.

I’m not going for a drop system just yet, I’m going to wait until I have Version 2 systems going for Evi, so far It’s all V1 aka the learning/development stages of a basic system outline ahha :]]

12,011 bytes now, looks like I can use it without any problems online :slight_smile: thanks for the advice btw beholder xD


Your GUI, while nice, takes up a good amount of space on the screen. Only 1/16th at that reso0lution atleast.
Any bigger and I would definitely recommend trimming it down as it creates a large blind spot for people to take advantage of.

I found that radial menus, while pretty, do take up a lot of time and make navigation and actual usage a pain. The remake of 2k1 uses radial menus and it has so many categories and items that it’s so more apparent there. I suggested ways to hotkey ‘folders’ to keys to immediately go to folders so you don’t have to go to items > clothes > others > hats and so on. As well as an ability to go up and down to go to other subfolders instead of having to go back and then select again.

Honestly, yours seems like a much more dramatic version. It seems to show only one item(or at least two others) at a time. This is sort of a limited vision so it’s harder to know which direction to go and where items are in the inventory. Either way, usability needs to take a high priority over prettiness, or else it completely defeats the purpose. However, hotkeys can alleviate a bad inventory to a degree.

Oh right, forgot about the newer G2K1, wonder if that project is more alive than ours.
Last I checked, Contiga was trying to coax me back into the project with the “new stuff they’ve made”, more than half of the stuff was shit I made before leaving. -_o

Also looking at the movie, you either have to “hold Q” for it to work, or, if you hold Q the menu flickers open and close.

It’s had lots of bumps. The project you probably worked on was dumped completely by Contiga and he turned it into his own little sandbox after he got bored with it. Then it started back up again, but then Contiga booted all the staff and tried to claim it as his own, which I think he wanted to just sandbox it again. However he was kicked and SnakeAndy took over scripting. Quite a lot was finished in a short amount of time(including converting the whole inventory system to SQL), and they’re using a custom movement system I made right now, but SnakeAndy disappeared so things have slowed down. Sadly finding decent scripters on Graal is a bitch right now. It’s seen a lot of progress(I’ve personally tossed in scripting and graphics work, including new cliffs), but it needs a stable team of staff that won’t fuck it over.

Yeah when I was there, it was typically one or two people doing all of the work, and getting it done quickly before they stopped. I was there during the time of “Ooo Bomberman” “Ooo, Train!” “Ooo, Rain and Umbrellas!”

I still have backups of all the damn outfit pieces I made o_o

Ahha, yeah when you hold it down it flickers opened/closed, I can change this by adding a keyguard type var around it, it’s not the best but so far everyone that has logged in likes it x] so I’m fine with it, for now that is I will end up fixing it all, along with everyother bug I have in-game before I allow people to actually play the contents.